Part 8

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Niall's POV
"Dude are you even listening?" My brother snap me out of my thoughts.
"What do you want?" I ask. "Ok Niall, I know that you're still sad over your Anna girl, but seriously man, when was the last time you haven't thought about her?" I shrug.
I miss Anna terribly. "You still haven't talk to mom yet." I frown.

"Well it's just because she doesn't want to." I respond. "That's not true." I laughed. "Yes it is, every freaking time she sees me she either pretends that I'm not there or just leaves the room." Greg shrugs.

"Your business not mine." I look down at my phone to see that Anna has sent me a text.

'Im going for a walk in a few, if I don't answer it will be because I left my phone at home.' The text reads. I frown.

'I think it will be better if you take your phone with you, what if something happens, you need to contact someone.'

I seriously don't approve this I don't want to take my phone bullshit, Miami is kind of dangerous and I need to know that she will be ok.

'You worry way too much Niall, ttyl.'
'TAKE YOUR PHONE ANNA.' I quickly type.

"Niall, Greg dinner is ready!" Mom shouts from the kitchen. Well at least she mention my name. I stood up from the couch and went downstairs to the dinning room, to see four plates?

"Four plates?" I ask, I turn to see Greg and he had the same confused expression. Mom came from the kitchen all smiley. "Yes kids, we have a special guest tonight!" My mom looked beautiful I can't lie, she dressed up, and she applied make up. It's definitely a man then.

Well I'm just glad that she is finally moving on. Dad really left a big impact on her, sadly. I swear if he ends up being a jerk I'll have no mercy for my actions. Mom brought a few drinks to the dinning table.

"Kids sit down he will come in a few." Yup a he. Greg turn to look at me. I check my phone to see if Anna has texted anything. I started to write down at text. 'Everything alright baby?' I waited a few seconds and now she is online.

'Yes I'm heading home right now, I'll text you when I get there.' I smile. 'Ok baby, I love you.' She starts typing. 'I love you more.' I check the time and it reads 5:30. "Mom, why are we eating dinner early?" I ask. She sits down.

"Well he comes from a long way, so he must be tired, so I made dinner early so he could go to sleep earlier." She replies. Greg frowns. "Who is this man first of all mom?" I actually want to know also. "You'll see in a few minutes guys, calm down." I check my phone again. No text.

"Niall Horan I expect for you to not use your phone when were at dinner time, and even less if it is with her." Mom snap at me. I couldn't help but frown. "I need to check up on her mom." I said as calm as I could. "No you are just desperate for her attention, which clearly she doesn't deserve, come on son, you deserve way better." I can't believe it. I stay silent, because I know that if I open my mouth I'll say things I'll regret.

Suddenly the doorbell is sounding throughout the house. "He's here!" Mom exclaimed. I scoffed. Clearly he is here. "Oh thank God you're finally here! I've missed you!" What? Missed him? I stood up and so did Greg.

"Mom who is it?" Greg ask. Greg went to the living room to see who mom was greeting. I follow him, and stop as soon as Greg did.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Greg shouts. I went to see closer who was it.

"Holy shit." I whisper.

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