Part 12

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Anna's POV
"Baby, please." Niall begged again. I look at him with a pity look. I know he wants me to talk but I just can't, not yet.

"Ahhhh!" My eyes widen. Niall and I quickly go downstairs to see what the hell made my mom scream this badly.

"Kids quickly call the Priest we have a spirit!" My mom yells again.
Pfftt. I couldn't help but starts giggle. I mean come one a priest?

"Why are you laughing?" I look at Niall and he sighs. "He is not dead Sarah." My mom looks at Niall with a horrid expression. "But we buried you and everything." My dad shakes his head. "Remember you never got to see me inside the coffin? It was because I wasn't there." I frown. Asshole, that coffin was fucking expensive.

My mom and I would glance at each other constantly. Both of us were confused as you can imagine. This is all to much. Suddenly mom starts yelling.

"No I can't even look at you Ryan! Do you even know all the crap we had to go through ever since you were 'dead'? No you didn't! You probably were having a blast! I mean you didn't have to take care for the house bills, the food, medicines, doctors appointments! And mostly-"

"Don't you think I know that? I fucking know that you were struggling and believe me when I say that it was really hard for me not to be there for you? For Anna? You both are my life! And the only reason I did what I did was to protect both of you!" My dad ends up screaming.

"What do you mean protect us?" Mom asks a little calmer now. My dad relaxes as he notices. "Please don't interrupt me, I'm gonna explain everything." She nods.
"What the actual fuck?!" My mom squeals. "I never, I, Jesus! I can't believe it, I didn't know that it was Bobby!" She's angry. "He hurt you and Anna and he is loose looking for all of us and-" she looks at Niall.

"You're fucking lucky that he isn't your real dad." She said and Niall couldn't help but nod.
"I totally agree." Niall says. "Um so Sarah, Ryan, would it be okay if I take Anna for a coffe?" Niall asks.

My mom frowns I know she wants to say no, the same with my dad, but come on, we know that he isn't here and a walk won't hurt anyone.

"I don't know, both of you are in danger, what if something happens?"Mom says. I look up at Niall.

"We can go driving." Niall suggest. "Son you need to learn how to drive here first." My dad says.

I grab my car keys and twirl hem around my finger. "She can drive." Niall says. My mom and dad look at each other. "Just buy the coffee and come back please." Mom begs. I nod and so does Niall.

"Come on love." Niall says as he grabs my hand.
I get inside the drivers seat. I look at Niall and smile at him.
"You look beautiful." He says. I roll my eyes and start the engine.
"I'll get the coffee, do we get something to your mom and dad?" Niall asks. I shrug.

"I'll get them something, wait for me over there." Niall says and I nod.
I start scrolling through my phone.

"Psst." I frown. "Psst." I turn around to see a group of girls looking at me.
"Is that your boyfriend?" I look at the brunette girl and smile while nodding.

"You bitch." A Blondie says. My eyes widened. "You're are freaking lucky where did you find him?" I just chuckle at them.

"Here it is your coffee babe. Ladies." Niall greets the girls behind me as he sits down.

"You do look very lovely today." I smile and kiss his cheek. We really have just kissed once, and I don't know if I should just go up to him and kiss him or just wait for him to kiss me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Niall asks. I look through my purse to see if I find my white board, but I think I left it home.

"What are you looking for?" I start to pretend that I'm writing. "White board?" I nod. He sighs.

I stop moving and close my eyes. This is getting tired for him, I know it, and it's also getting tired for me. I wish I could be able to sing with him, to have those typical very late at night Skype night conversation. Being able to tell him that I love him. I zip close my purse and turn to look at him.

"Don't you trust me enough?" He asks. My eyes widen and I start to shake my head no.

"Then? I know that I promised to be patient with you, but it's kind of hard babe you need to understand me also." I nod. I know that I should and I'm trying to see things through his point of view, but it's a little bit hard since I don't really know what's he's thinking.

"We should go, we promised to just buy the coffee." Niall says as he abruptly stands up from his chair.
Tears started to welled in my eyes. I blink a few times and stood up. I started to walk my way to the parking lot.

"Thought it was gonna be harder to find you." My eyes widen.

He's here.

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