Part 15

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Anna's POV
"Are you hungry?" He asks again. I shake my head. "You are so boring." Bobby whines. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "So it's true then, ever since last time you haven't talk." Tears welled up in my eyes.

He laughs. "You are soo weak!" He starts laughing hysterically. "Seriously, I thought you were better than this." I close my eyes. Honestly you are not the only one who thinks that.

"So why wasn't my son with you? I already had planned everything in case he was with you." I frown. "Oh well guess like all we are going to do is watch tv since you are not that entertaining." Bobby starts scrolling through the channels, until he stops at the news.

"Anna Simpson 17 year old girl last seen at Malibu's Coffee shop." My eyes widen. "Look at that angel, my plan is going just as I imagine it would."

Niall's POV
"The fucking police?!" I scream. "Are you out of your mind?!" I snap at Ryan. "Have you thought is Bobby would get mad and take his anger on Anna?!" Sarah can't stop crying.

I stood up and went to Anna's room to relax myself. I slammed the door shot. I took a deep breath and did the only thing I could possibly do at this moment. I scream. I scream at the top of my lungs hopefully I will take a little pain away, but I stop screaming I realize that I actually feel worst.

I grab a pillow and throw it, I don't know where the hell it ended but I just need to take my anger out of something.

I sit on the floor and grab my phone. "Why don't I have signal?" Wait. No sim! Of corse!

"Ryan!" I started to scream. "What?" He asks scared as he barges in the room. "For a chip to be localized- does it need to be inside the phone?" He nods. "And the phone needs to be turned on." He added. I frown. "Wait, but we can try and track her phone right?" I ask. His eyes widen. "Why haven't I thought about that?" Ryan says and quickly leaves the room.

Bobby better not do anything, I can't cope with the thought of him hurting her again. By all means he could be raping her, slapping her, and punching her. It's all my damn fault! I shouldn't left her alone at the coffee shop, even if I was upset, it still was my duty to take care of her as her boyfriend.

The thought that my dad is the one doing this makes me sick, I thank God that we are not blood related, but still I feel so ashamed that people know him as my dad.

Anna's POV
"See you did this." I heard him whisper in my ear. As he made me look at a lifeless Niall on the floor. "Him tracking your phone and following us-" He chuckles evilly. "made me kill my own son." It was cold and the fact that my clothes were ripped didn't help. "It's all your fault sweetie, if you weren't damn stupid and dependent. Niall wouldn't find the need to look for you. It's sad that you need people to save you, why can't you save yourself."
Then I woke up. I feel breathless and tired. What the hell was that. I've been kidnaped just for a few hours and I'm getting an anxiety attack. The need to a tach myself is huge. Everything starts to ache.

I just thank God that all of that was just a dream. A stupid scary dream that can come true. I hope Niall doesn't do anything to save me. That if he is looking for me.

I just wish that I could be with my mom right now, I know that I'm not the perfect daughter, neither I will be, but she still loves me and I know that she will be there for me.

I'm so stupid! I'm making her suffer! Of corse she an amazing woman had to be stuck with a stupid unlucky girl like me. Why couldn't be a drug addicts daughter?! Probably that way I wouldn't be feeling this guilt inside me.

"Wakey wakey love." I heard him. I want to puke, just with the thought of him near me makes me want to puke. "Are you hungry." I shake my head. I will never take something from this man willingly.

He shrugs. "It's up to you I was going to buy pizza." He close the door not before he locks it. I roll my eyes.

Now because of him I'll hate pizza forever.....

Ok maybe not forever but a while yeah.

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