Part 21

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Anna's POV

It all happened so but oh God so quickly. First I was at the cafe being all happy to be with my Niall and my family. Now I'm on the floor with a gun pointing at my head.

"You can really keep yourself steady can't you?" Bobby says as he kneels in front of me.

"Dad, why, out of everyo- why are you doing this!" Niall sobs as he tries to escape of Greg's arms. My parents are both tied up on a chair.

"You are so stupid if you think that you'll get away with this!" Dad spats at Bobby.

Bobby turns around and points the gun at my dad. "Want to say that again buddy."

A sob escaped of my lips. "You think that you're gonna be happy with all the money?" Dad chuckles. "You have no idea, you will never be happy Bobby, and you want to know why?" Bobby stood silent as he litens to my dad.

"Because besides having all the money in the world, your conscience will be dirty. You won't be in peace. You can kill me. You can kill my daughter. You can even kill your own son, but you will feel so guilty that you're going to be the most sad depressed asshole that you always were. You are such a disgrace to this family Bobby Horan, dad would be so disappointed in you." My eyes widen.

I would never, but ever think my dad would of say something like this.

"You think that you're so perfect don't you Ryan?" Bobby chuckles. "But hey who can blame you. You were always the favorite, mom would literally kill anyone for you, dad would always want to go to baseball games with you, and whenever I wanted to go with him what would he say?! 'Oh sorry but Ryan needs me.' I grew up with no parents I-"

"You have no right Bobby! No fucking right in saying that I was the favorite! I received a car, a tv and who knows what else, but guess what Bobby it wasn't for fucking free! I would study my ass of to get good grades! I would work in my spare time and instead of getting drunk I would help mom with the house! What did you do? Skip school! Smoke weed! And let's not forget that one time you were sent to jail for hitting a girl."

"You disgust me." Niall mumbles. Everyone turns to look at him.
"What did you just said?" Bobby asks. "I said that you disgust me. You enjoy seeing others in pain, you are selfish, all you care is how rich you are or want to be. Money will never make you happy, because money does not define you dad, the way you act does, Ryan can give you all his money but you're going to be miserable, you want to know why? Because you won't have anyone that loves you." My eyes widen and so. Does Greg's and Bobby's. Mom just sat there silently crying and dad looking furious at Bobby.

"How dare you Niall, betray your own father." Niall starts laughing. "You aren't my even real father, and you have no idea how happy I am because of that." Bobby's eyes filled with rage.

"Well then I guess this will make thing easier." Bobby says as he points the gun to Niall, my eyes widen and so does Niall's.

A gunshot fills the room. My eyes widen and I slightly cover my mouth.


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