Part One

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                  The sun was shinning brightly on this warm spring afternoon. The cherry blossoms smelled divine as they swung softly in the light breezes. Birds sang in the distance and the clouds drifted lazily overhead. There were delicious smells wafting through the streets of the village. Ambient chatter sounded all around with people going about their work day. Seemed like the perfect day. At least that's what was in Miyako's head as she walked through the streets of the village. She was on a short shopping trip this afternoon, she needed ingredients for dinner tonight. Not that one needed much for dinner when it was dinner for one. She sighed to herself at the thought.

                Miyako was a fairly petite girl. Her height stood at about 5'2" and she probably weighed close to 125lbs, with an hour glass shape. Today she had on a flowing floral printed sun dress, with thin shoulder straps, the dress stopped a little above her knees. She had paired her dress with a comfortable pair of geta. Her long light brunette wavy hair cascading down to the middle of her back. She had tied half of it up with a black ribbon. Miyako looked pretty normal for the most part. Something that set her aside from other people were her piercing eyes. They were a crystal clear light blueish gray color. She had been told in the past that she had eyes that stare right through people. She had guessed she got her eye color from her father. To whom she never knew and her mother had never once spoke of him. That was all before her mother had passed away when Miyako was a lot younger. She had no siblings either. Alone ever since she had moved back to Konoha village.

              Miyako walked with her basket to the small side shops that she loved getting ingredients from. She smiled and nodded to the polite shop owners as she bought everything she needed. Chatting with some of them that she had gotten to know over the last year that she had lived in the village. That's how long it had been since she had moved back now. Things seemed to be going well too, getting easier. She felt like she was finally living a normal life.

            Once she had everything she needed, plus made a few leisurely stops along the way to browse random things, she decided it was time to head home before dusk set. She hadn't realized how late she had left the house this afternoon. She didn't like being out alone after dark. As she walked she began to pick up her pace. Noticing that a lot of the shops in the village were closing down for the evening. Miyako stopped in her tracks as she realized where she was. There was a short ally way in between a few of the shops, that she remembered she had taken as a short cut through before. It probably wouldn't be in her best interest to take the short cut at this time of evening, but it would insure that she made it home before complete darkness cascaded over the whole village. At that point her only source of light would be street lamps and the moon. The thought kinda gave her chills.

                She stood there as the sun went down behind her quickly, lightly chewing her bottom lip as the battle in her brain raged on about the quickest way for her to make it home safely. I don't have time to stand here and twiddle my thumbs. Stop being a baby! You're fine, just walk through there. You've done it before, it'll be quick, Miyako thought to herself. Her brow furrowed and she stopped biting her lower lip. I'm doing it!, she bravely thought to herself. With one long deep breath she continued on into the ally.

             She walked briskly at first. Almost tripped over her wooden sandals as they caught some rocks in the dirt. Almost laughing at herself and her clumsiness. Are you going to be running your whole life?, she thought to herself and that thought hit her with a wave of sadness. She had no time for those thoughts at the moment though. She was brought back to reality from a small sound in the distance. Her ears zoned in on it as she quickened her pace. Foot steps. The sound she heard were foot steps. They sounded like they were coming from behind her and quickening with every step. Miyako decided to make a run for it. She began to ran as fast as she could. She just wanted desperately to get out of the ally. At least giving her an opportunity to yell for help. Just as she began to run, something ran into her from behind with a swift force. Her basket went flying out of her hands, and all of her things scattered the ground. Before she could even realize what happened she was being help from behind. Her arms pulled tightly behind her back, and what felt like cold metal pressed against the right side of her throat. "Let me go!" Miyako yelled and tried to shake herself from the tight grip of the person behind her. Even that slight shake made pain shoot down her arms, as if they could pop out of the sockets with just a little more force. "What do you want?" She asked her attacker, her voice slightly quivering. Even though, she knew damn well what they wanted. "You know exactly why I'm here, Miyako Kojima." The attacker said and put more pressure on the cold metal against Miyako's throat. She then realized that the cold metal must be a sharp kunai knife. She began to feel a sting where the kunai was being pressed and felt a liquid trickle down the side of her throat. She winced slightly at the stinging pain.

              Miyako was trying to frantically wrack her brain for what to do next. She couldn't let him take her. She sure as hell wasn't about to be taken back willingly. That would more than likely end in a fight to the death for her. She would do anything before being dragged back there, back to him. She unfortunately wasn't a skilled kunoichi. Her past had stolen becoming anything like that from her. She felt so weak and helpless in this instance. Just like he used to make her feel.

             The feeling of defeat was slowly taking over her, as she began to give up all hope of escaping, when out of nowhere there was what felt like a gust of wind that swiftly came through the ally way. The tight pressure of the hold on her arms was suddenly gone and the cold metal of the kunai against her throat gone too. Everything was happening so quickly, it took her a minute to realize she was free from the grasps of her attacker. She stumbled backward into the ally wall and frantically looked around to see what was happening. She thought about making a run for it, if her attacker was far enough away. She looked around and spotted him on the ground. He appeared to be unconscious. What the hell, Miyako thought to herself, so confused. "Are you alright?" A voice came from behind her. She turned around swiftly, there stood a shinobi of the hidden leaf village, he had silvery white hair, a mask that covered half of his face, and his leaf village headband covering his left eye. He was casually leaning against the ally wall with Miyako's basket in one hand, all her ingredients back where they belonged. She couldn't believe how quickly the events had just taken place. One minute she thought her life was in danger, and now she was safe. As if nothing had happened. Her rescue shinobi stood there so nonchalantly, as if she had just tripped and dropped her basket and all he did was pick it up for her. She was baffled and her head felt like it was spinning. She opened her mouth to thank the shibobi and tell him she was alright now thanks to him, but the words wouldn't seem to come out.  The spinning in her head started to become a little too real as the objects in front of her began to spin and slowly fade to black as she fell forward. She had fainted.

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