Part Eighteen

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Little Writer's Note - Eighteen. No disclaimers, as we reach a bit of a tipping point. Don't miss out as the story continues.  

         Kakashi had been kept extremely busy late into the night before the day of the march out to the boarder of the Tanaka clans village. Lord Third had an abundance of tasks for him to do before the shinobi and Anbu set out. He had insisted that him and Kakashi be in charge of every little detail. To insure that everything went as planned. The Hokage also wanted Kakashi to review everything with him before he headed out himself with a company of the last little bit of Anbu that had stayed behind at the Leaf Village. Kakashi was currently on his way to meet with Lord Third for their finale meeting.  

      The time frame that they had planned for had gotten pushed back quiet a bit in the process of them preparing for everything. Causing it to be very late in the day, late in the day that Kakashi was meant to be guarding Miyako all day. I'm sure she's worrying herself sick at this point. Doesn't help that I haven't even gone to see her at all since this plan went into full affect. And of course right after I was so cold to her the last time we saw each other. He thought to himself miserably and than felt a small ache in his chest. He had no excuse as to why he hadn't gone to see her in days. Other than the fact that he had felt kind of afraid. Afraid of this plan not working out, and their relationship forever being doomed by whatever that outcome might be. Afraid that there could be any possibility that he wouldn't be able to keep her safe during this plan. And lastly, and most important to him, afraid that she would never forgive him for how he had been acting recently. Being afraid is hardly an excuse though, it just makes me a damn coward. He thought more to himself as he walked. The situation was really coming into perspective now that he had time to think clearly and wasn't trying to get everything for the plan in place.

          He felt as if he had always had feelings for Miyako, but he knew that his feelings for her had grown so much more in the time that they had been back at the Leaf Village. Living a lie of a happy life together, with danger constantly lingering in the darkness right behind them. Even if it was somewhat of a lie in reality, the feelings were very real. Kakashi assumed that  his intense feelings for Miyako might also be clouding his  judgments and causing him to put his guard up a bit and in turn treat her so coldly and push her away. One thing he was certain of though was, I miss her, he thought to himself and felt that ache in his chest again. He continued to walk toward the Hokages office.

       The more he thought as he walked, the more his thoughts became completely clear. "What the hell am I doing?" He said aloud. I've been such a baka. He thought to himself, and not a second later he turned around in the opposite direction of the Hokages office and headed toward Miyako's house.

       Kakashi made it to Miyako's house quickly. He rushed in through the front door. "Miyako!" He called out and waited a moment. There was nothing but silence. "Mia!" He called her name once more as he walked further into the house and shut the front door behind him. Again, there was no reply. He then instantly began going quickly from room to room, calling her name out again and again as he did. Maybe she's already sleeping. He thought to himself as he headed up to the upstairs bedroom, the last place he hadn't looked for her yet. He raced up the stairs and barged into her room. "Miyako." He said as he took a step into the room. She wasn't there either.  

      He was trying his best to stay rational and figure out what was going on. He naively checked her bedroom a bit more and than headed back down stairs. Maybe she heard me rush in here and is trying to be playful and hide? He thought as he began to check the closets in desperation, coming up empty handed as he did so. Why the hell would she be playful at a time like this?  She wouldn't. Not when we haven't even spoken in days. 

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