Part Fifteen

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Little Writers Note - Part Fifteen O.O this chapter is a bit lengthy, and holds some important secrets and answers. No disclaimers. The story continues. Please enjoy <3

         Miyako was very slowly coming out of her deep sleep, as the morning sun crept through the crack between the fabric of the curtains covering the window. She felt as if she had had one of the best sleeps in a long time last night. She assumed it was probably because she was back home again. In the back of her mind she couldn't stop thinking about what could make her sleep even better. Kakashi's warm body next to her, his arms holding her tightly. He was on her mind more and more everyday.

          She stirred a little bit more in her half asleep state. It was as if her body was so comfortable that it was forcing her brain to stay asleep. She didn't mind much though, she needed the sleep after yesterdays long journey home. She thought she might be falling back into a dream, because it felt as if someone was lightly stroking her hair. The stroking felt very comforting and the touch seemed to be a bit familiar. She thought she began to smell a familiar scent too. Wracking her brain still half asleep for what the smell was.

        "Mmmm, smells like Kakashi." She mumbled quietly in her sleep. "And what exactly do I smell like?" Miyako thought she heard Kakashi's voice responding to her in her dreams.

        "Well, he kinda smells like paradise." She mumbled back. "A sexy, enticing, addicting scent, that I just want more and more of." She said a little more coherently. She felt like she was waking up a bit more now that she had Kakashi seductively on her mind.

          Then she thought she heard a laugh coming from this dream Kakashi. Geez, dream Kakashi likes to tease me just as much as real life Kakashi. I can't catch a break with him. She thought to herself and slowly opened her eyes to fully wake up finally.

        To her horror and surprise, Kakashi was sitting on the edge of her bed next to her. His hand still lightly on the top of her head. He wasn't a dream! He had been here this whole time and heard everything I said! Shit! Shit! Shit! She thought to herself, utterly embarrassed for saying all of those things out loud.

        "Morning beautiful." Kakashi said sweetly and smiled to her under his mask. Miyako felt her face beginning to burn red from the embarrassment, her eyes wide staring up at him.

       "What the HELL are you doing here!?" She practically yelled and grabbed the edge of her comforter, throwing it quickly over her head, in the hopes to hide from what had just happened. She felt slightly humiliated. She heard Kakashi laugh again and felt his weight lift from the edge of her bed.

       "Just wanted to pop in and see how your first night back was, and reassure you that I'm not going anywhere now that we're back. Ended up with more than I bargained for, and I'm not mad about that." He said slyly, she could hear him pulling back the curtains on the windows now. Miyako didn't even want to respond to his slyness with a sassy comeback, she just wanted to disappear under these blankets forever, wallowing in her embarrassment.

       "Oh come on now, are you planning to hide from me forever?"Kakashi asked and she felt his weight on the bed right next to her again. "Yes!!" She exclaimed loudly back. Making Kakashi laugh a little. "If it makes you feel any better, I also enjoy the way you smell." He said sweetly. Making Miyako blush even more, if that was possible. She pulled the covers back very slowly, only revealing her eyes to him. He smiled at her and placed his hand on her head once more, stroking her hair again.

        "Could you maybe please just forget everything you heard me say?" She asked hopeful. "If you stop hiding from me, I will pretend to forget everything I heard." He said slyly once more. Miyako pulled off all of the covers from over her and and threw them aside. "You're the worst Kakashi!" She exclaimed in a mini tantrum and crossed her arms in front of her, turning her head away from his hand.

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