Part Six

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Little writers note - Part six!! No serious disclaimers, this part has a teeny tiny bit of spiciness to it though. Scandalous, I know haha The story continues, I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for more :)    

                 "How much further Kakashi Sensei!?" Naruto whined. "Relax Naruto, we just made it. Look there." Kakashi said pointing in the distance. The four of them all looked eagerly. In the distance stood two cottages. They sat side by side. The one on the left looked to be a bit smaller than the one on the right. As if it was for one person and the other one a main house for multiple people. "Yippie!" Naruto exclaimed and went off running. "Finally." Sasuke said and went running after Naruto. "Hey! Wait up you guys! It's not a race!" Sakura yelled and sprinted after them. Miyako smiled to herself as she watched them. They brought back a feeling of freshness in her life. Almost reminding her to breath and remember that she was still young also.

                Kakashi was correct about them arriving by night fall. Him and Miyako walked together up to the cottages as the sun set behind them. The wagon full of their belongings was already parked outside of the cottages. "Come unlock the door Kakashi Sensei! Dibs on first pick of rooms!" Naruto yelled excited. "You wish!" Sakura said and whacked Naruto on the head. "Ladies first, don't you have any manors?" She said crossing her arms in front of her and turning her nose up to the sky. Naruto rubbed his head and glared at her. "Coming. I'm going to let them in and then I'll let you in your cottage." Kakashi said and went to let the trio into the bigger cottage. I guess I'm staying by myself. Miyako thought to herself. She wasn't sure how she felt about this. She knew she did feel exhausted from their journey though.

               Kakashi returned shortly after showing his trio of students the larger cottage. "Sorry that took a bit longer. Had to break up an argument between Naruto and Sakura over the biggest room." Kakashi said putting his hand behind his head and smiling under his mask. "I wish I had Naruto's energy." Miyako said smiling in return. "Be careful what you wish for." Kakashi said, making her laugh a little. "I'll come unlock your door. Did you need any help bringing your things inside?" Kakashi asked politely. "No, I can do it. Thank you though." Miyako replied. All she could think about was throwing her things inside and laying down in her bed. "Well, if you change your mind I'll be right next door." Kakashi said as he unlocked her front door for her. He then handed her the key to her cottage.

               "Are we ever going to eat Kakashi Sensei?! I'm starving over here!" Naruto yelled from an upstairs window. "Yes, be right there. Dinner will be ready shortly." Kakashi said to Miyako and grabbed some of his things off the wagon and headed inside the larger cottage. It's so hard to believe he's killed people. Miyako thought to herself as she began bringing her bags inside her new home. His kindness had been continuously on her mind recently.

                 Once she had brought all her belongings inside, she decided she would walk around her new home and see what it was like. She walked around the little cottage and it was nice. Just enough space for one, and also nice and secluded. Which was how she liked it. Living here a while won't be so bad. She thought to herself and went back to her new bedroom, flopping herself onto her new bed. She took a deep breath in as she got caught up in her thoughts once again. I feel bad to still be such a burden, to Kakashi after all this time. Plus his students now. Not to mention how I've put the whole Leaf village in danger too. She thought to herself and felt her eyes start to slightly weld with tears. The tears began to turn to soft sobs. I'm sick of crying too. She thought aggravated with herself.

                Then there was a light knock at her bedroom door. "Don't come in!" Miyako yelled. She began to wipe tears from her face and calm herself down. "It's me." Kakashi's voice came from the other side of the door. There was a moment of silence. " Can I please come in? I brought you some dinner." He said, his polite voice came through the door again. Miyako took a deep breath and the tears stopped coming. "Sure." She responded quietly. She heard the door slowly open behind her. She had sat up in her bed and was facing the window above her bed. She didn't want to make eye contact with Kakashi.

               She then heard the sound of Kakashi putting down a plate on the wood nightstand next to her bed. She felt his presence behind her. "Did you want to come and join us for dinner? Or I could just come and join you?" Kakashi asked. "I don't think so." Miyako responded. "I could bring you some hot tea in a little." He continued. Miyako began to feel frustrated. "Just stop Kakashi." She almost snapped at him. "There's no need to always be extra nice to me. I know I'm only your job, and I understand that. It's fine to treat me normally." Miyako said, she felt a little sting in her heart as the words exited her mouth.

             "That's not true." Kakashi snapped back. His response caught Miyako off guard. "What?" She said, turning around to face him with her bloodshot eyes. Kakashi stepped forward and sat down next to her on her bed. He looked her in the eyes. "You're not just a job to me." He said and continued to look deeper into her eyes. Before she knew what she was doing, some feeling had come over her and Miyako leaned over and wrapped her arms around his body at the waist. Resting her face on his chest. She could feel and hear his heart beating, she felt instant comfort. She then felt Kakashi wrap his arms around her in return and hold her tightly. She was surprised that he embraced her and didn't push her away at all. He felt nice.

                After a moment of bliss, Miyako pushed herself off of Kakashi. "I think I'm just going to go to bed." She said softly. "Are you sure?" He asked, she just nodded yes in return. A light blush on her cheeks. "Well I hope you sleep well, and I'll see you in the morning. Get some rest and don't be so hard on yourself." Kakashi said and stood up from her bed. He patted her gently on the head again. "I'll lock the door on my way out." He said picking up the plate of food he had brought her. "You best not abuse the power of having a copy of my house key again!" Miyako said sternly pointing a finger at Kakashi. She was trying to lighten the mood. "Not sure what you mean by abuse power again." He said back to her, emphasis on again. "Oh yes you do. House rules here are going to be no scaring me with the sneakies." She said glaring at him. "I would never." He said sarcastically. "Mhhmm, have a good night Kakashi." Miyako said rolling her eyes a bit. I love joking with him. It makes everything feel normal and effortless. She thought to herself happily. "Goodnight Miyako." He said and went on his way out of her room and house.

               Once she heard Kakashi leave the cottage and the door click locked behind him, she got up and changed into a night gown. She went to her bathroom and washed her face and crawled back into her bed. Left with her thoughts once more. She still felt butterflies in her stomach from being in Kakashi's arms. She wished she had the courage to ask him to stay the night with her. She felt like she would give anything for that with him.

               Why did I push him away like that though? What he said was so sweet, and the feeling of my body against his felt so nice.   I definitely think I have feelings for him. Should I tell him though? This is so confusing. Miyako thought to herself as she slowly drifted to sleep. The last few days had been met with so much change, but she felt like everything had been good change and was headed in a good direction. Which surprised her, she had never expected anything good to come from this change. She didn't want things to stop.She felt like they could get a lot more serious between her and Kakashi. She pondered, as she fell asleep and carried on into another day.

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