Part Nineteen

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Little Writer's Note - Part Nineteen, as things get a little dicey and dangerous. No disclaimers. Please enjoy.    

       Miyako felt herself beginning to finally come out of the blackness from being knocked unconscious. Her eyes still felt very heavy right now, her head was pounding with the pain from being hit so hard earlier, her body felt weak. Her other senses felt very off too. She felt a tight restricting pain coming from both of her wrists. It felt like she was sat in a chair with her hands tied behind her. Her ankles felt as if they had the same tight holds on them. She tugged a tiny bit and the movement only caused her more pain. Her eyes began to feel a lot less heavy and she was finally able to open them all the way. She let here eyes adjust and looked around to see where she was.

         As she surveyed her surroundings, she wasn't exactly sure where she was. The place felt foreign, yet familiar at the same time. Realization quickly hit her though, like a train running off the tracks. Kurai! She thought to herself and began to frantically look all around her. Where the hell is he? He knocked me unconscious and must have brought me here. She continued to look around the room that she was in, but didn't spot Kurai anywhere. Which eased her panic ever so slightly. The more she looked around, the more it looked as though she was being held in a bedroom. A very lavish one at that. She felt her panic spike back up again. Assuming that she was more than likely currently tied up and being held in Kurai's bedroom at the Tanaka clans village.

         This thought put her brain into overdrive. She began to try and loosen the bonds on her wrists and ankles once more. The more she tried, the more she thought that these bonds weren't normal bonds. She stopped trying once again. They must be chakra string bonds or something. Something Kurai knew would be impossible for me to free myself from. She thought to herself and sat there trying to think of a way, anyway, that she might be able to get loose and make a run for it. She was at a loss for ideas at the moment. Please let Kakashi at least be looking for me by now. Surely he's noticed that I've gone missing. He's probably my only  safe way out of this. She thought, and then she remembered all the training she had gone through with Kakashi and it reminded herself that she wasn't the same weak girl that Kurai took her for. I'm at least not going down without a fight. She bravely tried to tell herself this.

        She continued to just sit there, tied up and wait in this room for what began to feel like hours passing. She hadn't come up with a plan to free herself, but she thought she might have another plan, if she could just persuade Kurai to remove the chakra bonds. Which she knew the probability of that was very unlikely.

       A moment later, her thought process was broken, when she heard the door to the bedroom slowly opening. She stared at it and felt her heart began to beat rapidly. She watched as her worst nightmare stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. "My love." Kurai said, and began to walk over to her.  Miyako wanted to reply by telling him off, and saying that she would never be his love, but her mouth had also been gagged. So she sat there and just glared at him with daggers in her eyes. 

         "Oh don't give me that look now. All I did was bring you home." He said as he stepped behind her and leaned down, his face practically touching her right ear. He placed his hands heavily onto her shoulders. "I'm going to remove your gag now. The minute you abuse this privilege of speaking that I'm about to give you, you will instantly regret it. Do you understand me?" He said sharply into her ear. She rolled her eyes at his threat and just nodded her head yes. Kurai proceeded to untie the gag and let it fall around her neck. "That's a good girl." He added and caressed one side of her face, before he walked over and sat down on the bed across from her.

         "What the hell do you want?" Miyako asked him coldly, still glaring at him. "Sheesh, no need for the attitude. I just want to talk..... for now." He said with a corrupt smile. Miyako rolled her eyes at him in return. "How does it feel to finally be home with me again?" He asked her. "Shitty, and this place will never be my home." Miyako snapped back. "You really are so different now. Aren't you?" Kurai asked seeming once again a bit surprised at the way she was responding confidently to him. "If different means actually standing up for myself, and not taking your abuse, then yes, I am very different."  She replied, trying to hold a sternness in the tone of her voice.

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