Part Fourteen

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Little Writer's Note - Part Fourteen, please enjoy :)

          The next morning came and Miyako had found herself in bed by herself again. She rolled over in the bed and stretched out a bit. It was early, she knew that much from the sun beaming brightly through the windows. She had made sure to wake herself up earlier because today was moving day, moving back day that is. Kakashi had told her that they would be leaving bright and early the next day.

         Thinking of Kakashi, she had once more been disappointed in seeing that she had fallen asleep next to him, but woken up alone. I suppose I should just be thankful that he stays the night with me, try to stop being so greedy, she thought to herself as she peeled herself out of bed. I've been craving so much more of him lately though, she thought as she bite her lower lip lightly.

         Miyako began to get ready for the journey ahead. The journey back home, she thought to herself happily as she changed into traveling clothing and continued to pack her belongings. There was something bitter sweet in the thought of going back to the place that she considered her home. She felt so internally torn between wanting to go back home, and just leaving all together and trying to start anew with Kakashi and maybe have an actual future. The thought of possibly bringing something truly horrific back to her home again was also tormenting the back of her mind. Lord Third has a plan though, she thought to herself as she collected the last of her remaining things and looked around at the empty room of the cottage she had considered her home for awhile now. She felt a little wave of sadness come over her as she walked out of Kakashi's bedroom. Then the though of Kakashi's real bedroom back at the Leaf village filled her mind and she instantly blushed as she walked out of the cottage for the last time.

          "Are you alright? You don't have a fever do you? What's up with the red face?" Kakashi's voice came at her in an unexpected rush. In turn causing her to blush more at the thought of him knowing what she was just thinking about. He walked over to her and placed his hand on her forehead. "You don't feel very warm." He said and she reached up and brushed his hand off of her forehead. "I'm fine. Geez, what are you my keeper or something?" She asked him grumpily. Trying to clear her mind of her naughty thoughts. Kakashi pondered her words for a moment, "I mean, I kinda am." He said and smirked to her. Miyako just rolled her eyes in return.

         "Anyways, ready to go back home?" Kakashi asked looking down at her. His words made her eyes well up a tiny bit. She tried to look the other way to not let him see. "I am." She said and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Then she felt Kakashi grab her other wrist and he pulled her into his arms. She stiffened up at first from surprise, then her body relaxed and melted into his. She had her hands on his chest as his arms wrapped around her body and tightened a bit, he began to lightly rub her back with his right hand. The comfort of him holding her calmed her instantly.

          Kakashi slowly let go of her and looked down at her once more. "Thanks, now let's go!!" Miyako yelled and pointed out into the distance, she picked up her travel bag, swinging it back over her shoulder and headed in the direction she had just pointed to. "Sounds good, but it's this way." Kakashi's voice came from behind her. She turned around and he was casually pointing with his thumb in the opposite direction with his other hand coolly in his pocket.

         Miyako walked back toward him, she puffed her cheeks out a bit as she passed him. "I knew that, know it all." She grumbled under her breath as she passed him. He laughed and began to walk behind her, as they set out on their journey back to the Leaf Village together. 

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