Part Four

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          Little writers note - Jumping forward in time a tiny bit. No real disclaimers yet. The story continues, please enjoy :)     

           Six months had went by since the attack. Six months of having a Jonin watch over Miyako. Keeping an eye out for any more suspicious behavior. Which none had happened. Six months without any attacks, no kidnappers, nothing. It was almost as if none of it had happened. Honestly, life had returned to normal the day after Miyako was attacked. Her emotions and bad memories had also calmed back down. Which she was very grateful for. She didn't need the thoughts of her nightmares following her around daily. The only major change that had happened was Miyako had realized how easily Kakashi being her shadow could annoy her.

               It wasn't anything about Kakashi personally that annoyed her. Her and him had actually become pretty good friends over the last six months. Which she was also grateful for because friends were a hard thing to come by under her circumstances. What annoyed her was losing the freedom of solidarity. Being able to leave the house by herself. Even just for a walk. She kinda thought it was becoming overkill at this point. Six months of nothing out of the ordinary happening and Kakashi still glued to her side when she left the house for anything. Sometimes he insisted on being close by when she went outside to read, or sit, or event do the laundry. Those were the things that had started to get very old during these last six months.

               The end of summer was upon them and it was another beautiful day outside. The sun was high in the sky with few clouds floating by. The weather was starting to become more crisp in the air, as fall was upon them. Today Miyako was having a relaxing day at home. She was finishing up getting her laundry from outside on the clothing line, where it had been drying in the fresh air. She had been lightly humming to herself and enjoying her alone time as she collected and folded her laundry.

              "Beautiful day, isn't it?" A voice came from above her, in the tree that her clothing line was tied to. Miyako jumped in surprise and dropped the dress that she had been in the middle of folding. She stepped back and looked up into the tree with her hand to her heart. There sat Kakashi looking quiet comfortable with his copy of Make Out Paradise in his hand. He looked to be causally reading. How long has he been there? Probably the whole time I've been outside and I never noticed. Miyako thought grumpily to herself.  

               "Why do you always do that Kakashi? How many times have I asked you not to sneak up on me like that!?" Miyako asked sternly, snatching up the dress she had dropped and throwing it into her laundry basket. "Yet you do it anyways, every time." She said glaring up at him. Kakashi shrugged his shoulders and looked to be smiling sympathetically under his mask. "I honestly don't do it on purpose. It kinda just happens that way every time. I will try better not to though." He kindly explained himself. Miyako just rolled her eyes. I'll believe it when I see it. She skeptically thought to herself. Kakashi went back to reading in the tree above her, as she continued to fold the rest of her laundry.

              "Hmmm." Kakashi made a random sound from above. "What?" Miyako asked looking up, still unamused. Kakashi was looking off into the distance randomly. He was looking in the direction of the village, but didn't respond to Miyako. She sat for another minute to see if he would respond. "Something wrong?" Miyako called up to him again. He again said nothing and this time vanished into a cloud of smoke. A shadow clone? That's different. Miyako thought to herself. Kakashi hardly ever had his shadow clones check in on her. Something began to feel off. Miyako began to feel a little concerned, but tried to not work herself up into an anxious panic.  She decided to shrug it off for now. She knew Kakashi would more than likely be back later. She would ask him if everything was alright whenever he was back. She knew he would never just leave her by herself if he was concerned about another attack.

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