Part Twelve

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Little Writers Note : Part Twelve, has some DISCLAIMERS : light sexual assault, light bit of gore, death. Things will more than likely start progressing fairly quickly after this one. Hope you enjoy :)


        Miyako's training continued over the next few weeks. Her and Kakashi trained about every other day. That was really all she felt her body could handle at this time. She was definitely getting stronger though and a lot more confident in being able to protect and defend herself. She felt as if something inside her might be awakening. She wasn't sure what it was, but she felt ready to embrace whatever it was.

          Today was an off day from training, and Miyako had been relaxing and reading in her room. She wasn't sure what Kakashi was doing. Things between them had been at a bit of a standstill since they started training. She hoped in the back of her head that he would make a move or something everyday that they spent all those hours training together. He always remained professional and focus on the task at hand though. Miyako wasn't too surprised at this, staying focused was definitely in his nature as shinobi. Then again, she could always take it upon herself to make a move. Her nerves always got the best of her when she thought about doing anything like that. She knew she was changing too though, and maybe her recent confidence boost would help her try and get whatever was between them rolling more. Anything would be better than this standstill awkward zone, she thought to herself, setting her book down, she was too deep in thought to focus on reading.

          Typically when they weren't training, Kakashi and Miyako minded their own business and stuck to doing their own things. They were pretty much like quiet ships passing in the night. She was ready for that to change though. Her feelings only got stronger for him by the day, and she was ready to do something about them. Even with the possibility of getting rejected by him. Wouldn't that make things way more awkward. She kinda laughed to herself at the thought.

           She looked over to the dresser that she had hidden the scrolls that had shown up a few weeks ago in. She was so eager at first to see what was inside of them, but now she found herself too anxious to look. She knew she really needed to read them though, otherwise she would never have any answers about herself.

          She shifted in her chair slightly and felt a sharp knot seize up in her lower back. She winced and began to rub that spot. She had been so sore in a lot of random places ever since she had been training on this regular bases. Gosh what I would give for a medicinal hot springs. She thought to herself, aching in pain. All of a sudden, a conversation she had had with Sakura awhile back crossed her mind.

         She had been sitting on the front porch sipping coffee, when Sakura had come running up to her after their training was over. She was super excited for some reason. "Miyako san! Guess what we found?"

"hmmm, what did you guys find?"

         "A hot springs! Just beyond the tree line! Kakashi Sensei says we can't use it because it's so old and too far from the cottage. What if you and I snuck out at night and used it though? He would never know. Oh, doesn't a hot soak sound so nice!?" Sakura exclaimed giddy. "That does sound very nice. I think we should listen to your Sensei though. It's too far from the house Sakura chan. That could be dangerous." Miyako explained and felt bad about the disappointment in Sakura's eyes. "I know, I'm sorry, but he is right. I promise I'll treat you to the fanciest hot springs in all the Leaf Village when we return."

"You promise!?"

"I promise." Miyako said and smiled seeing the light return to Sakura's eyes. 

         That's right! She did say there was a hot springs out in the woods. How could I forget that? Miyako thought excitedly to herself. It can't be that far from the cottage. I'll at least go and check it out tonight. Just a really short soak and I'll be back in no time. I know Kakashi said to leave it, but that must have just been because we had the kids with us. I'll make sure to bring a kuni with me and stay aware of my surroundings. That's settled it then, once dark falls and I know he's asleep, I'll head out, have a quick soak, and be back like I never left. She thought naively, something in the back of her mind was telling her this wasn't a good idea, but her aches and pains made her block that little voice out. 

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