Part Three

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*Little writers note - The story continues, please enjoy :)            

              Miyako awoke in a dark room laying in a bed that felt familiar to her. The bed and the atmosphere began to make her feel uncomfortable. She rubbed her eyes a bit so that they would adjust to the dark and began to sit up. She tried to look around the room, but couldn't see much due to the darkness that engulfed her and the room around her.  All that she could really make out was an  outline of a door that looked to be at the opposite side of the room. There was a light coming through the cracks of the outline of the door. Ever so slightly letting  light into the darkness. Miyako squinted at the light, still trying to help her eyes adjust. Silence was broken as she heard the sound of the door knob began to turn. An ominous creek of the heavy wooden door broken the silence in the dark room.

             Miyako tried to watch the door as closely as she could. Nothing had appeared as the door stood ajar after creaking open by itself. Miyako began to fell a ball welding up in the back of her throat, her body began to feel hot all over, she felt the sudden urge to cry, and her heart seemed to be beating a lot more heavily. It was almost as if she knew what was about to happen, or as if she had experienced this moment before.

             A dark figure slowly appeared through the opening of the crack in the door. Miyako continued to try and focus her eyes and see who was entering the dark room with her, but she couldn't see through the bright light hue that cascaded behind the individual entering the room. "Who's there?" She called out, her voice slightly shaking. At first there was no answer. Which made her feel more nervous. "Miyako." A very low sinister voice finally came from the figure standing in the doorway.

          A feeling of immense dread ran down Miyako's spine. She instantly recognized the voice coming from the figure in front of her. It was him, his voice, he was here for her once again. His presence was so overpowering. She felt her voice getting caught in the back of her throat. She wanted to scream. Unable to speak or move due to the feeling of fear overcoming her. She didn't know what to do. She knew she was trapped.

           He began to walk further into the room. Move! You have to move! She thought to herself and finally found her voice and broke the paralysis. She began screaming and swinging her arms in an attempt to keep him away.Pushing herself back into the wall behind her. Her eyes were closed tight, which was helping her find strength in herself to move. If she looked at him, if she looked in his eyes she knew she would be frozen in fear again. She then felt hands tighten onto her shoulders. She continued to scream and fight back until she heard a voice coming from afar. "You're alright! You're alright!" The voice was calling out. Miyako was so confused because the voice sounded feminine. "Calm down!" The voice came again, a lot more clear this time. It now sounded as if it was right in front of her. "Open your eyes!" The voice yelled this time and Miyako listened. She opened her eyes and saw a young women sitting on the bed in front of her. She had her hands tightly on Miyako's shoulders and had been the one shaking her awake and yelling out for her. Miyako blinked blankly at the women and then quickly surveyed the room. She was no longer in the dark familiar room with him coming toward her. She was in what looked like a hospital room. She felt as if she had been through the ringer too. She felt pain from multiple parts on her body. At first she wasn't sure what had happened.

                The young women let go of Miyakos shoulders and stood up from the bed. "I'm sorry." Miyako said to the women. She nodded in return. "It's alright. I'm glad you're finally awake. Lord Third is here to see you. I'll go get him." The women said and left the room. That's when reality came rushing back to Miyako. That's right, I was attacked. In the ally on my way home. Someone saved me though. The shinobi with the silver hair. I fainted before I could say anything to him. He must have brought me to the hospital. She thought to herself as her memory came back to her. Miyako laid back into the bed. Nothing this bad had happened in a long time. That must have been why she had that dream. The attack must have kicked her horrible memories into overdrive. Everything was making her feel extremely uneasy at the moment.

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