Part Five

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Little writer's note - Part five, part, five, part five haha no real disclaimers again. I suppose a few bad words and ill thoughts towards others. If you've stuck around thus far, I would like to thank you and let you know that I appreciate you. I'm glad that this story is peaking your interest. The story continues, and I hope you enjoy fellow reader :)                  

                 The sunrise was ascending on the land as Miyako woke from her rough sleep last night. She sat up, stretched, and stepped out of bed. Heading to her bathroom for a cool shower to refresh herself for this journey ahead. She stopped for a quick second at the sink and looked in the mirror. She had some decent puffiness and bags under her eyes from crying herself to sleep. I look like shit. She thought to herself and rubbed her eyes. She continued on into the shower and washed up, and then stepped out of the shower to get ready for the day. She decided to put on some light makeup to cover the bags under her eyes, and picked an outfit fit for travel.

                 Once she was dressed and ready, she began to pull things out of her dresser and closet to pack all her essentials for this possibly forever long trip Kakashi and her were about to go on. Once she was done packing, she headed downstairs and placed her things outside on her front porch. She then decided to go back inside and make a big cup of coffee and sit and enjoy it outside on her porch, enjoying her last moments at her home. I hope I can eventually come back here. she thought to herself admiring the outside of her home. The quiet seclusion, with the sound of daily life in the village coming from a distance. She had become so comfortable here and it really was beginning to feel like home. Which was something she longed for. The thought made her sad for a moment. Then the sadness turned to frustration and anger. This is all Kurai's fault. Damn Kurai, and his stupid Tanaka family clan. All they've done is ruin my life. I hope they kill him and his disgusting clan. Miyako thought hatefully  to herself and felt her  free hand ball into a tight fist. The thought of them just filled her with so much rage.

               Trying to calm herself back down, she sat and tried to enjoy sipping the rest of her coffee and waited for the covered wagon to arrive. She was quickly shaken from her thoughts as the covered wagon arrived at her front porch. A man came out and waved to her. She waved back. The man began loading her things into the covered wagon. She just stood there and watched and finished sipping her coffee.

             "It's too bad that we're going on foot." A voice came from right next to her. She jumped in surprise, almost dropping her coffee mug. She clenched her chest and looked to her left. Kakashi was standing right next to her. She glared at him and punched him in the arm. "Ouch." He said dramatically, looking down at her and rubbing his arm where she had just punched him. "Stop scaring me." Miyako grumbled under her breath, continuing to watch her things being loaded into the wagon. Then what Kakashi had just said hit her. "Wait, did you say on foot?" She asked turning to face him. "Mhm." Kakashi nonchalantly sounded and nodded his head yes. "But that could take days, for all we know!" Miyako exclaimed. "Just one day. We'll arrive by night fall tonight." Kakashi said coolly. Miyako's brow furrowed and she just grumbled some more. "Well what are we waiting for?" She asked as the wagon began to drive away without them. "My students." Kakashi said and Miyako almost fell on her ass. This is just getting better and better. She thought to herself and held her hand to her forehead for a moment. More people involved in my life's bullshit. Putting more people possibly in danger because of me. Miyako sadly thought to herself.

               Kakashi and Miyako waited another few minutes and saw three figures approaching from the distance. It was more like they heard them coming from a distance before they saw them. Two of them sounded like they were arguing the closer they got. A petite pink haired girl seemed to be scolding a spiky yellow haired boy, the boy seemed to have a lot of energy. There was also another boy with black hair, who was paying no mind to either of them as they approached.

                "Hey Sensei!" The energetic boy yelled waving as they made it up to Kakashi and Miyako. "Morning Naruto. " Kakashi said. "Sensei, can you tell Naruto to stop being so annoying?" The pink haired girl complained, glaring at the boy named Naruto. Naruto just glared back. "I am not annoying!" He insisted. "You're both annoying." The boy with black hair chimed in under his breath with his arms crossed across his chest. The pink her girl gasped and looked down in defeat. Naruto stuck his tongue out at him.

                 "Alright, alright, settle down you three. I want to introduce you all to someone." Kakashi said and the three of them instantly paid attention. It's kinda cute seeing him as a sensei. Miyako thought to herself looking up at Kakashi. She was broken of her thoughts when Kakashi looked down to her and their eyes met. She felt a tiny blush fill her cheeks. "I want you all to meet my friend Miss Miyako Kojima. She's taking this trip with us as an extra set of eyes and ears because you three can be a handful." Kakashi said jokingly and chuckled to himself. The two boys grumbled under their breath and the girl with pink her rolled her eyes.

              "I'm only joking. Miyako, I would like you to meet Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and..." Before Kakashi could finish, the boy named Naurto interrupted and jumped forward. "And I'm Naruto Uzumaki! The best ninja here and future Lord Hokage of the hidden Leaf!" Naruto exclaimed proudly, pointing his thumb to himself and smiling widely. Miyako chuckled a little. She smiled and waved shyly toward the three of them. "Nice to meet the three of you." She said politely.

              "Alright, now that we all know each other. Shall we get going?" Kakashi asked. "Off we go!" Naruto exclaimed and turned on his heels.

               Naruto led the group, as the five of them began walking. It was going to be a long full day of travel. Miyako wondered what the place they would be staying at was going to be like. The middle of the woods sounded kind of relaxing. Maybe this would actually be good for her. She would also have a lot more time with Kakashi, if that was possible. The thought made her blush, but she enjoyed the thought at the same time. At least she would feel more safe. One from being somewhere that practically no one knew the location of and two because she would have Kakashi constantly by her side. Miyako first thought having his students there was going to be a bad idea, but after meeting the three of them she felt her opinion changing. They all seemed very sweet and would probably be nice added company while they were all away.

              Miyako felt herself beginning to smile at the thought of everything. "You seem in a very good mood." She heard Kakakshi chime in from her left. "What? Good mood. I-I mean why wouldn't I be? It's a beautiful day out isn't it?" She asked on the defense. "It is. I'm glad you still aren't upset about having to travel by foot." He said raising his eyebrow to her. This was another one of those moments where he was just too good at reading her. "It's still annoying, but I think I'm getting over it." Miyako said half smiling up at him. "Good. You know, this day is almost as beautiful as when I see you smile." Kakashi said, catching Miyako off guard. She felt her face turn completely warm and red with blush. "Uh...ya. I, uh, think I'm going to go walk with your students and get to know them a bit. Okay.....ya....BYE!" Miyako said hastily, in all sorts of awkwardness. I can't believe he just said that to me. I can't believe how I just acted in response. Ughhhhh, why am I so awkward!? What are these feelings too. I'm starting to feel butterflies sometimes when I talk to Kakashi. This isn't making sense. She thought to herself, trying to figure out her feelings, as she quickened her pace to catch up with Sakura.

             "Hey Sakura, wait up." Miyako called, as she caught up to Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto. Miyako walked with the three of them the rest of the way. She had actually started to really get to know Sakura, and she found she had really enjoyed her company. Of course Naruto was very entertaining too. Sasuke was very standoffish, but still had his moments. In just a short amount of time Miyako felt like she was making three knew friends. They all continued on their way, as the sun continued to travel across the sky and the day dwindled. They were gradually getting closer to their destination.

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