Part Twenty & A Half

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Little Writer's Note - Part Twenty continued....

      Kakashi stood there as he listened to Kurai go off on his tangent and continue to threaten himself and Miyako. He was waiting as he did so, waiting for the moment he knew was coming at any time now. The moment when Kurai decided to attack again. He knew he was ready for that moment, but at the same time he wasn't sure how this fight would go. I know he means every word he's spewed from that piece of shit mouth of his. Kakashi thought to himself, he was doing his best to contain his own anger this whole time. At the same time, he couldn't stop the feeling of wanting to tear Kurai to shreds just from looking at him. He began to notice the shift in Kurai's emotions. Any time now. Kakashi thought to himself and began to feel himself get ready, as his chakra flowed steadily through his entire body. 

       "HA! Isn't that just so bold of you to assume. It's hilarious that you think you could ever even put a scratch on me. I'll give you one last chance Miyako. Come here NOW, and I won't shed all of your boyfriends blood. Some will be spilled, yes, from the disrespect he's given me, but I won't kill him." Kurai stated his final terms to Miyako and waited for her response.

        The three of them stood there in silence for a moment. Kakashi felt his heart skip a small beat at the thought of what Miyako would reply. After all choosing to stay with Kakashi would continue to put her life in constant and serious danger. More so in this moment than it had been in all the time that he had known her. He couldn't blame her for ever deciding to take the easy way out and just go back to Kurai. Specially with her biggest threat standing right in front of them now. Kakashi felt as if he was holding his breath getting caught up in all of the 'what if' thoughts in his head. Until finally, he heard her speak from behind him. 

     "Never! I would rather die!" She yelled back over to Kurai. Kakashi could hear her voice shaking in fear slightly as she replied. "That's my girl." Kakashi said back to her, reassuring her that she made the right choice, he wanted her to know he was proud of her for standing her ground in the face of danger. All he wanted to do right now was turn around and pull her into his arms, kissing her passionately. So that she knew that she was safe with him always, and he would do anything to keep it that way. Kurai let out the most rage filled scream, his breathing became more rapid, and he began to resemble an unhinged mad man. He could no longer hide his true self after Miyako continued to defy him.

     "YOU'RE GOING TO WISH YOU WERE DEAD WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" Kurai yelled over at them with all of his built up rage. Now. Kakashi thought to himself as he removed his headband from his left eye and felt his body stiffen up, he planted his right foot into the ground slightly behind him, a moment later he felt the ground under his right foot crack as he launched himself forward. His thoughts on the timing of when Kurai would attack were confirmed as Kurai came sprinting forward almost a split second before Kakashi had went forward himself. 

      He met Kurai in the middle of the yard with a heavy force as their kunai's caught each other, their faces practically touching again. One little slip up and Kakashi knew he would catch Kurai's kunai to his throat. "You can't protect her. I won't let you." Kurai said through gritted teeth. "Watch me." Kakashi replied back slyly. Kurai scuffed and jumped back, repositioning himself for another attack. Within a second he launched himself back at Kakashi from a different angle. Kakashi watched his movements closely, deciphering all of them with his Sharingan. Kakashi countered each and every strike of Kurai's kunai. This should be easy. He thought to himself and waited for the right opportunity to get the upper hand on Kurai.

      Kurai continued to try and stab and slash Kakashi with the kunai, his movements fueled by the rage spilling out from inside of him. There was no strategy to his attacks. He just continued to attack, and attack, and attack through this blind rage. The more Kakashi countered all of these attacks, the more the rage grew and the sloppier the attacks became. He's a lot weaker than I expected, Kakashi thought to himself. 

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