Part Two

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*Little writers note - Here we have part two!! Starting out a tiny bit slow, but will pick up. Part two contains some back story on Miyako. The story continues, please enjoy :)               

                Kakashi moved quickly as he caught the fainting young women that he had just rescued. Hmm... what to do now? I don't even know who she is, let alone where she lives. Or if she might have anyone at home worried about her, he thought to himself as he stood there with the mysterious young women in his arms and her attacker still knocked out cold on the ground nearby. Also, why was that man after her? By the looks of him, he looks like he could be Shinobi from another village. The way he had a kunai to her throat seemed a lot more serious than just some robbing. I suppose taking her to the Konoha Hospital would be a good place to start. They'll take care of her, and send her on her way, then that will be that. All in a days work as a shinobi I suppose, he continued to think leisurely to himself and began headed out of this ally way and to the hospital. "Then I'll be back for you." He said sternly as he stepped over the young women's attacker. He was pretty sure this would be a short trip and he could make it back in time before the man woke up. He had knocked him out pretty hard. He also assumed this man wasn't much of a threat with how quickly he was able to knock him out.

               Kakashi had made it to the hospital in no time, just as he had thought he would. He walked in and went to the reception desk. There sat an older women, she looked as though she might have been writing information in charts of hospital patients. "Excuse me, I have someone in need of some medical assistance please." He said and the older women looked up, she seemed slightly annoyed at first. Probably because he was interrupting her work. Then she looked from him to the young women he was carrying in his arms and her eyes widened. "Bring her back quickly." The women said hastily.

            The women at reception rushed from behind her desk and Kakashi promptly followed. This seems to be getting weirder and weirder, he thought to himself as the women from the reception desk brought him to a young medic corps worker in the back. Kakashi saw the women from reception whisper something in the medic corps workers ears, the medic corps worker held her hand to her mouth, almost as if she was shocked at what the receptionist had said. Until she looked over and caught Kakashi's eye. She then rushed over to him. "Hello, my name is Shima. I'm the lead medic corps of this wing of the hospital. Please follow me." The medic corps worker named Shima said as she bowed to him. Kakashi did as he was told once again. Still very confused at what was going on.

            Shima lead him down the hall and unlocked a door at the end of the hall. They went through and it led to a separate section of the hospital. Which almost seemed like a secret section of the hospital. She then led him to another room at the end of another hall, which lead to a  hospital room. She Ushered him and the young women in his arms inside and then had him lay her on the hospital bed. He took a step back and let Shima get to work on treating the young women. The mystery girl had a deep gash on the right side of her throat from the kunai, and a couple bruises that seemed to be forming on her legs, her dress was torn in a few places and she also had bruises on both arms forming, probably from how tightly her attacker had her arms pulled behind her back. Definitely minor injuries that the young women could easily bounce back from. The hospital staff was acting as if this young women had just received a curse mark or something a lot more serious.

             "Shima, need any help in here?" Another young medic corps poked her head through the cracked door and looked around surveying the room. "Yes! Go alert Lord Third at once. Tell him he's needed here as soon as possible." Shima said urgently to her coworker. The girl who had poked her head into the room was gone before Kakashi could blink. Lord Third? Who exactly is this girl that I helped? Maybe a relative of Lord Thirds? Kakashi thought, as he racked his brain for answers as to what he might have just gotten himself into.

             "Well, I think I'll let you all take it from here. Thank you for your assistance." Kakashi said as he bowed his head toward Shima and began to attempt to inch toward the door. He really was completely lost as to what was going on, but he felt that it wasn't any of his business.

              "NO!" Shima exclaimed and grabbed Kakashi by the wrist before he could go any further. He looked at her with eyebrows raised. He was a little shocked at her forward reaction. "Please, you must stay until Lord Third gets here. In case there's another attack." Shima said, Kakashi thought he could sense fear in her eyes. "Why would there be another attack?" He asked her sternly. Everything seemed a lot more serious now. "I'm not able to tell you. I'm sorry. Just please stay until he gets here." Shima pleaded. Kakashi just nodded his head to her and she let go of his wrist and went back to tending to the mysterious unconscious girl. Kakashi crossed his arms and stood back against the wall. All he could do was wait for Lord Third and hopefully get some answers as to what was going on.

                 Lord Third finally arrived and Kakashi left the room to greet him down the hall. "Hello Kakashi." Lord Third said as he approached. Kakashi bowed. "Good evening Lord Third." He replied. "I think thanks are in order. They tell me you saved Miss Miyako and knocked out that intruder." Lord Third said, Kakashi assumed that he was talking about the girl who he had rescued that was in the hospital now. "All in a days work. They asked me to stick around here until you got here too. They were nervous there could be another attack. Is that young lady your grand daughter Lord Third?" Kakashi asked, trying to get answers. "She is not. Her and I actually have no relation. She has a long story to her. She is originally from the Leaf. She returned here about a year ago as a run away, from a small neighboring village fairly far from here. Her name is Miyako Kojima and she's been in hiding from a clan of the village that she escaped from, called the Tanaka Clan . She was sent away to be married into an arranged marriage that her father set up years ago. We don't know all the details as to why her father arranged the marriage. Or exactly why the Tanaka Clan want her back so desperately, but there's something special about her, and we think they're trying to use her for power. We know she was arranged to marry the son of the head of the top family of the clan, and there are rumors that the top families have recently been secretly plotting to eventually try to take over the five nations and wage war. So we've kept her here in hiding as we investigate her background and the potential she carries inside that the clan want to try and use her for. The Shinobi that attacked her must have been sent with direct orders from the man she was engaged to. More than likely,  to take her back by whatever means necessary. Only a few people in the village are aware of all this information. In order to keep her identity safe, we've been keeping everything about her as secret as possible. Her past is why the few staff here were so frantic when you arrived and worried about another attack." Lord Third finished and Kakashi felt slightly overwhelmed. His brain was processing this information overload. He couldn't believe what a simple rescue was turning into. "Speaking of her attacker, I left him in the ally. I thought I would have time to go back and take him in." Kakashi said, starting to realize the seriousness of the situation.

                  "I'll send for some Anbu to retrieve him once I'm done here. I have a favor to ask of you though Kakashi." Lord Third said. "I would like you to stay on surveillance of Miyako. I need someone I can trust and strong enough to keep her safe. She's a very sweet girl, who deserves a normal life one day. I would like to try to help her get to that point and keep the Leaf village safe of course. A lot could be at stack here." Lord Third said seriously, and Kakashi thought about the job he was just assigned. There was no way he would deny the Hokage and this task didn't seem that complicated. He wanted to do what he could to help too. "I accept." He said and bowed. "Thank you Kakashi, you're always too good to the Leaf. Follow me and I can introduce you to Miss Miyako." Lord Third said and Kakashi promptly followed him back down the halls of the hospital toward the room Miyako was being taken care of in.

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