Part Twenty One

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Little Writer's Note: Long time, no story :'( Leading into the end now, no warnings, hope you enjoy!!


      Kakashi rubbed his eyes once more and was able to focus his vision somewhat through the stinging pain from the dirt and the fogginess that continued to get worse from losing consciousness. Once he was able to see what was transpiring before him, he saw Kurai standing over him looking as crazed as ever. He had his kunai gripped tightly between both of his hands. Kakashi could see that the kunai was now soaked in blood and dripping. My blood. Kakashi thought, as he watched Kurai holding it high above his head and pointing it in the direction of Kakashi's chest as he laughed in triumph like a psychopath. Kakashi knew he would only have a split second before Kurai brought the kunai down, plunging it into his chest. His consciousness was currently moving way too slow though, and he wasn't sure he would be able to react in time. He tried to use these milliseconds to come up with an instantaneous plan, but nothing came to him as Kurai yelled out through his insane laughter, "Die!! You worthless Shinobi!" As his hands still holding the Kunai tightly came down swiftly and forcefully in the direction of Kakashi's chest. 

      Miyako watched in horror as Kurai held his Kunai high above Kakashi's head, pointing it in the direction of his chest. She knew there were only seconds for her to react to what was transpiring in front of her. Time suddenly felt as if it had turned to slow motion. She felt as if her body began to move on it's own, as she went sprinting in the direction where the two of them were. I'll never make it in time. She thought panicked to herself. No, don't you even dare think that way. This is the man you love. The man that loves you, and accepted you and all your faultiness from the start. The person who pulled you out from this darkness standing before you, and that darkness is about to take him away from you forever. I HAVE to make it in time. She thought to herself in the brief moments she knew she had left to do anything. Those emotional thoughts racing through her mind made it feel as if a fire had been lite inside of her. 

        She then felt herself running even faster in Kurai's direction. She held the kunai tightly in her right hand, bracing it for impact. She was closing in on Kurai as his kunai was coming down on Kakashi. She thought she would make it just in time as she continued to push past her limits in a fighting last chance to save the one she loved. She let out a powerful scream as she jumped forward, closing in on the last little bit of distance between her and Kurai. Plunging the kunai in front of her. She felt the tough resistance from the kunai hitting flesh, and then through bone. Coming in with such force causing her body to collide into Kurai's body. 

       "Ahhh!!" Kurai yelled out in pain. Miyako pushed herself off from his back and pulled the kunai out of Kurai's back. Only to plunge it in once more. Kurai yelled out in pain again, and swiftly turned a one eighty. She was face to face with him now. "Stupid bitch!" He screamed in her face and raised his hand high above him. 

      Miyako felt something shifting inside her, a feeling she hadn't ever felt before. It felt as if something was flowing through her entire body. Her hands began to tingle and give off a warmth. Her inner voice was telling her to place her warm hands on Kurai's chest. She reached up without another thought and slammed both hands onto his chest. The moment she did so he seemed to freeze. He lowered the hand he had raised back down to his side. Miyako could feel her hands absorbing something from Kurai's chest. She looked at her hands and they had turned black down to the second knuckle on each of her fingers. The warm sensation they were giving off had intensified. She looked from her hands up to Kurai's face. He had a very blank expression on his face, his eyes were dazed over and his body began to sway. Miyako pulled her hands from his chest, with a pulling forcefulness, as she took a step back away from him. Kurai fell backwards, flat onto the ground with a loud thud.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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