Part Eight

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Little Writer's Note - Here is part eight lovely readers. This one is a bit of a filler chapter. What's anything Naruto related without fillers though, right lol. The drama, suspense, and spice are on the way though. Promise you won't want to miss the next few. Please enjoy :)

           The moment Miyako awoke, she wanted to close her eyes again. Her head felt as if it was splitting in half. That's how bad her current headache was. She was under the covers in bed and even the tiny bit of light that was slipping through the covers felt blinding and was making her head pound even more. She kept her eyes closed tight for now. This is your own fault you idiot. Did that solve anything? No. She thought, almost angry at herself.

             She rolled over underneath the covers, her comforter felt a little different for some reason. Am I that hungover? She thought, bunching up the covers, she pulled them closer to herself. She groaned lightly to herself and took a deep breath in. Realizing that her bedding smelled a little different too. She held the comforter up to her nose and took another deep breath in. The smell seemed familiar to her, but definitely not her own. The smell was a muskier smell, like rustic woods, with subtle hints of clean fresh mint and bergamot. Gosh, that smells so nice. Miyako thought and took in another deep breath of the intoxicating scent. What is this smell though? So familiar. She thought wracking her brain a bit. I know, this smells kinda like Kakashi. Could this be? No, this couldn't be his bed. Could it!?

           Miyakos eyes shot open, and she threw the comforter from off of her and sat up right in the bed. Her headache was the last thing on her mind, she hardly felt the pain at the moment. She looked around the room and sure enough, this wasn't her own. The room being Kakashi's only made sense. She greatly doubted it was anyone else's.

          What the hell happened last night, dammit. She wracked her brain for that answers. Pieces came to her, but not a full story. She remembered finding Kakashi when she went out for some fresh air, because she was so upset about something. She couldn't remember exactly what the something was though, but she felt like it was vert important. Hopefully it comes back to me. She thought and decided to peel herself out of Kakashi's bed.

         She looked around for his bathroom. Once she spotted it she let herself in and went straight to the sink. She splashed some cold water onto her face and looked up at herself in the mirror to see the damage. To her surprise, she actually didn't look that bad. She combed some knots out of her hair with her fingers and twisted it up into a bun. Securing it with a hair pin she found in her pocket. Straightened her clothes up a bit. They were a little twisted from sleeping in them. At least I woke up in my clothes. That sorta answers that question. Kakashi is too much of a gentlemen to take advantage of anyone. She thought reassuringly. The pain from her pounding headache was finally coming back to her. She sat on the toilet lid and held her head in her hands, grumbling miserably to herself.

         Then a distance voice began to drift up from downstairs. Miyako recognized it instantly. "I'm starving Kakashi Sensei! When will breakfast be ready, Sheesh!" Narutos voice, of course. Not surprising. Miyako thought, smiling to herself. Suppose I should go join them. Food and coffee would probably do me good. She thought, taking a deep breath in and headed out of Kakashi's bedroom and downstairs to join everybody.

         Miyako entered the kitchen as they all went about their business. She walked over and sat at the table with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Kakashi was at the stove cooking with an apron on. He looks cute. Miyako thought and quickly shook the thought from her head.

         "Good morning Miyako." Kakashi said without turning away from the stove. Miyako felt herself tense up at the sound of his voice and felt a blush coming on in her cheeks. "Morning!" She practically yelled out of nervousness. The three at the table stared at her for a moment and she looked at them with an eyebrow raised. What? She mouthed to the three of them and they went about conversing amongst themselves again. Calm down you awkward psycho. I bet nothing of the sorts that you're thinking even happened last night. Miyako thought and took a deep breath.

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