Part Twenty

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Little Writer's Note - Hello Part Twenty. As things continue to get dicey. This chapter will actually be split into two parts. Please enjoy :)

       "Miyako." A voice sounded in her right ear from behind her. She was so startled by it that she whipped her head back into a headbutt, in the chance that she could knockout whoever it was. She made contact and felt intense pain to the back of her head. "Ouch." She couldn't help but say quietly aloud to herself, as she winced from the pain. "Ya, that didn't feel good." She heard the most soothing familiar voice come from behind her, Kakashi's voice. She gasped, "Kakashi!" She practically yelled. Before she could turn her head to see him, he placed his hand lightly over her mouth from behind. "Shhhh, we have to be quiet. There are at least two shinobi guards outside the door." He whispered into her ear, shushing her gently. His smoothing voice whispering into her ear made her whole body tingle. He then removed his hand from her mouth and came out from behind her.

         He knelled down in front of her and placed one of his hands on the outside of her left thigh and placed the other hand lightly on the side of her head. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you at all? I swear, if he did anything to you before I got here!" He said getting a little heated, as he looked her over. Checking if she was alright. She felt her own eyes beginning to tear up just at the sight of him, and the safety and comfort she felt from his touch. He noticed her eyes beginning to weld up and his expression softened. "I'm so sorry I wasn't with you." He said sincerely. Miyako sniffled her tears back and looked down. "I was worried you might not make it in time." She said quietly through her light sniffles. Kakashi reached up and put her chin in his hand, raising her head up to face him again. "I will never not make it in time for you. I promise I'll never let anything like this happen again either." He made his promise to her and reached up a bit more to wipe a few of her tears from her cheek. She looked at him and just nodded her head in understanding. She knew he meant what he said and would keep his promise, and she trusted him.

          Kakashi nodded back to her and pulled his mask down as he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Miyako got a glimpse of his face for a moment and noticed a small cut on the bridge of his nose. "My gosh, your poor nose. Was that from my head?" Miyako asked concerned. Kakashi let out a small laugh. "Yes, that is from the impressive headbutt you hit me with." He said giving her a smile. "That's not funny Kakashi! I'm so sorry I hurt you." She genuinely apologized for barely hurting him. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad to see our training paid off. Even at my own expense." He said kindly, still smiling at her. "Now, lets get you out of these bonds." He said and pulled his mask back up, standing up onto his feet and stepping behind her again. There was silence between them as he examined the bonds. "I've been trying my best to break them, but I think they might be chakra bonds or something." Miyako said. "Good observation, and you're right, they are indeed chakra bonds, but I'm pretty sure I can break them easily. The chakra seems weak. I just need you to stay very, very still." He said seriously, and Miyako just nodded her head yes, indicating that she understood.

            She sat as still as she could, almost holding her breath, as Kakashi stood behind her. "Chidori." Kakashi said quietly, and Miyako saw a hue of bright blue light brighten the room from behind her. She felt a very hot warmth that ran swiftly between her wrists and then the same between her ankles and then it was gone. She felt relief of the pain constricting her wrists and ankles. Pulling her hands back in front of her and moving her wrists around in an attempt to get the stiffness out of them.  Kakashi walked back in front of her and offered his hand to her. She looked up at him and put her hand in his. He helped her out of the chair that she had been stuck in. He leaned down and took her other hand in his and began to rub her wrists lightly, in an attempt to sooth the pain. He brought them up to his face, pulled his mask down and kissed them lightly. "I really am so sorry that I wasn't with you." He almost whispered. Miyako took her right hand from him and placed her index finger lightly onto his lips, silently shushing him. As if saying that everything was fine now, without actually saying anything. He just nodded to her in understanding. The two of them feeling their connection to each other, as it continued to grow with every second of them being together again.

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