Part Nine

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Little Writer's Note - Part nine for any wonderful readers!! Feelings get a little exposed. There's a bit of mystery to this one and just a small disclaimer that things get a little bit steamy, but nothing too spicy yet. More to come, please enjoy :)   


            A few days had gone by and everything had gone back to normal. Miyako hadn't had anymore nightmares or dreams. If that's event what it was. She still hadn't figured that out. Kakashi had gone back to the standard training schedule with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Miyako continued to go about her typical business too. Life had gone back to normal, or what they considered normal now still in hiding. She was glad everything felt more normal again.

             There was one thing that was different though. Miyako could tell that Kakashi had been avoiding her now. Usually he would check on her at some point of each day and he had stopped doing that. He would still say the polite hello, good morning, goodnight, but honestly they hadn't talked in days now. Miyako thought this was so strange. All she could think back to was that she had crossed a line the night she drank too much and he took care of her. Or maybe said something she shouldn't have to him that night. At first she let it go, but now it was beginning to bother her more and more. She wanted to figure out why he was avoiding her and make things normal between them again. She decided she would find out where he would be after training tonight and confront him to talk about it.

            Miyako was in Kakashi's room reading a book when she heard the four of them return to the cottage from training. She put her book down and went to the bedroom door and cracked it, peaking out. She knew that typically Sakura would come back to her room after training and freshen up before dinner. Miyako heard hurried feet coming up the stairs now. Bingo. She thought and walked out of Kakashi's room. Sakura came from around the corner and stopped in her tracks. "Hey Miyako-san!" She happily exclaimed. "Hey Sakura Chan, how was training?" Miyako asked. "Training was exhausting! I think I'm getting stronger though. Kakashi Sensei really is a great Sensei." Sakura said smiling. "Good. Speaking of your Sensei, could I ask you something about him?" Miyako tried not to sound too suspicious. "Sure." Sakura replied. "I was wondering if you knew where he goes after dinner by chance?"

               "Hmmm, not really." Sakura said putting her knuckle to her chin as she thought about it. Great, back to square one. Miyako thought in defeat. "We have seen him go out to sit on the edge of this cliff a little ways away from the cottage. Naruto said we should follow him this one time, but I knocked some sense into him. He's such a knuckle head. That's all I really know of though." Sakura finished and smiled up at Miyako. "Thank you Sakura chan. You've helped me a lot. I'll see you at dinner."Miyako said and placed her hand lightly on Sakuras head. "You're welcome!" Sakura said happily and went on her way to her room.

             Now that Miyako had the information she needed, all she needed to do was wait for the right moment and hope that Kakashi would go to that spot tonight. Kinda a shot in the dark, but worth a try. She thought to herself and headed downstairs to wait for dinner to be ready.

            Once she finished dinner she said goodnight to the others and headed up to Kakashi's room. She decided she would sit at his window with the lights off and watch for when he left the house. This way maybe I could just follow him. She thought to herself as she waited patiently and watched out the window. Everything was quiet in the house as everyone else drifted off to sleep for the night. Then she heard the front door quietly open and then close. She sat up eagerly and continued to look out the window. Alright, time to go. she thought as she spotted Kakashi on his way away from the house.

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