Part Eleven

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Little Writers Note : Part Eleven has arrived!! Still a bit of a slow burn. No disclaimers. This one is a little training filler, that will serve a purpose a bit later on. Please enjoy.            O.O     

           The next few days rolled around, Miyako found herself getting ready for the day like any other day. The days had been a lot more quiet with only her and Kakashi in the house. Which had been nice, but at the same time a bit off setting. She was slowly adjusting though.

             She looked at herself in the mirror once more before leaving the room. Today she had decided to actually do something nice with her hair. She had it half up in a nice twisted bun, with a ruby and silver hair pin holding the bun in place. The other half of her long hair cascading down in a straight silky waterfall of hair down her back. She smiled slightly to herself and headed down stairs for her routine morning coffee.

           Humming lightly to herself as she walked, she had been feeling pretty good these last few days. She still had random waves of sadness and guilt when she thought of the stillness of atmosphere in the house. She missed Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura since they left. The guilt would hit her hard when she thought about how it was her fault that they were gone. She tried to shake herself of her guilty thoughts by reminding herself that she would see them again some day. That typically led into the thoughts of the consistent emotional strain from the never ending situation she was stuck in though.

           The days definitely felt better and better since she had been made to stay in the little cottages. Her emotions, mood, and mindset slowly began to feel uplifted. The more she tried to wrack her brain as to the cause of the shift in everything, the more the answers gravitated toward thoughts of Kakashi. She almost didn't want to admit it, but things were changing between the two of them. Ever since the night they shared their feelings for each other and shared that kiss. Deep down she hoped their relationship continued to change in the direction it was going.

          Miyako proceeded to walk into the kitchen as her thoughts continued to consume and distract her and grew more in depth. She had just stepped over the threshold and into the kitchen when she was suddenly hit with a swift force. Whatever it was had pushed her quickly, yet somewhat gently into the wall behind her. Her body stiffened up in self defense and she closed her eyes tightly. Shit, could this be him? Or another attacker? How could they have gotten in here? I'm done for if Kakashi is out training. Thoughts flooded her head as she prepared herself for the worst from whoever currently stood in front of her. She waited another moment, but nothing else happened. She still felt the presence of someone standing in front of her though. Which made her afraid to open her eyes.

           "You see, this is why you need to let me train you." Kakashi's smooth familiar voice came from in front of her and instantly soothed Miyakos tension. She slowly opened her eyes to see Kakashi face to face with her. He was what had pushed her into the wall behind them. His one hand was behind her head, to make sure she hadn't hit it on the wall when he pushed her up against it a moment ago. His other hand was up against the wall to the right of her head. His body just inches from hers. She looked up at him wide eyed, and felt her heart beat quicken, not just from him startling her anymore.

            A moment went by as they stared at each other. Gosh, I want him to kiss me so badly. Miyako thought to herself and leaned in toward Kakashi the tiniest bit. Then shook her head and snapped herself out of it. She leaned back against the wall again and glared at him a bit. He smiled under his mask.

        "I already agreed to let you train me idiot. You don't need to scare me into it! Geez." Miyako huffed and hit him lightly on the chest. Kakashi just chuckled and stepped back away from her. Freeing her from between himself and the wall. He was always so entertained at her mannerisms.

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