Part Seven

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Little Writers Note - Part Seven is here!! Disclaimers are some alcohol consumption and I think that's it for this one. I would say this has a minuscule amount of spice again, but we'll get there soon haha please enjoy :)

               About two weeks had passed since they had been in the cottages. Two weeks on the run, so to speak. Miyako had really gotten to know Kakashi's students in the two weeks. She found that she actually loved their company. Her and Sakura had really been bounding. When Kakashi wasn't training them, Sakura would spend a lot of her free time with Miyako. It made Miyako continue to feel a lot more normal.

               The air was crisp with the smell of fall in mid afternoon on this beautifully partly cloudy day. Fall had arrived and you could tell because the cool summer nights had become event cooler. Fall was Miyako's favorite season and time of year. She loved bundling up in sweaters and hoodies, wear boots and walking through the fallen leaves as they crunched beneath her feet. It just so happened to be the perfect time of year to cuddle up with someone inside or outside. I wouldn't mind an evening of cuddling. Only one person here to do that with. She thought to herself and felt herself blushing. She shook the heart warming thoughts from her mind as she went into her kitchen to make a cup of hot tea. She looked out her kitchen window as she steeped her tea.

              Kakashi was way out in the front yard. He was training with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Miyako just watched them as they jumped around and threw kunai. Kakashi looked as though he moved effortless between the three of them. It's insane the things he can do. He has so much talent. She thought to herself and realized she was fan girling once again. Ughhh, I have got to stop with the daydreaming! She thought to herself and put her hand to her forehead with some force. She went outside and sat on her front porch swing as she sipped her tea.

              As the sun began to set and turn afternoon to evening, the crisp air gave Miyako a chill that she felt in her bones. Her tea had actually started to make her feel very sleepy all the sudden. Chamomile tea will do that to you. She thought to herself as she struggled to keep her eyes open. I suppose I could take a short nap before dinner. She thought and got up out of the porch swing. She squinted and looked out into the front yard. Kakashi and the three of them were still at it. Shinobi training required a lot of dedication and discipline. So it made sense that they would train from sunrise to sunset.

               Miyako walked inside and put her tea cup in the sink. She headed down the hall to her bedroom and actually felt as if she might fall over. She stumbled into the wall a bit and had to use the wall as support to make it the rest of the way to her room. I guess I should stay away from that flavor of tea from now on. This is kinda crazy the way it's making me feel. She thought and had a feel of unease. Could just the tea be making me feel this way? Something feels off. She thought as she finally made it to her bed and laid down. She felt as if her body was extra heavy and could sink to the floor through the bed. Once her head had hit the pillow she instantly fell asleep.

                She awoke what felt like a few moments after she had just fallen asleep. The room was a lot darker now. She went to sit up and look at the time, but was unable to move her body. She was able to look around the room with her eyes, but her body was in some type of paralysis. What the hell is going on!? She thought to herself beginning to panic. The door to her bedroom began to crack open. "Ka....Ka...Ka" She tried desperately to call out. The only person this could be is Kakashi. She thought and a figure stepped into the room. It moved slowly over to her bed , once they made it to her bed the glow of the moonlight from the window above her bed lite up the figures face.

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