part one

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"lockdown sector 7 there's been a breach!" A worker yells, running down a corridor as he remains out of breath. Staggering he causes his workmates to turn around and jump at his almost zombie like movement. They pause in shock as he stops and grabs one of their collars looking behind him frantically.

"What? Breach? the system would have set in stop screaming shit like that." One snaps back, pushing him away as he fumbles over and looks at them with nothing but shock. "That's how you get terminated mate, now get back to your job or else." They add, walking away as the worker jumps back up and looks over his shoulder, his face going pure white as the other workers pause, knowing he's not moving. "What did I say-" they cut off, finding someone standing down the hallway, not as close as the other worker but close enough to be easily recognisable.

"Sergeant, this is a level 5 breach, send us into lockdown protocol immediately." The worker whispers, putting his earpiece firmly into his ear, and grabbing his small pistol doubting it'll be of any use or even give a fleeting chance of escape.

Neither move, too busy focused on the stranger down the corridor, who remains still, asides from their hand tapping against the wall, sending a hollow ping around the hallway. "Don't move." The worker signs to the newbie; who had ran over here. The newbie doesn't react but acknowledges the warning, whilst the worker waits patiently, hoping the system will kick in as soon as possible.

The corridor would remain silent, if it wasn't for the slow tapping from the stranger, their top of their hand covered by what the newbie could only describe as scales, which remain a almost bloodied red. The worker tries to shallow his breathing, and calm his nerves down as he feels his body start to shake. How is the newbie so still, nevermind they don't know who this is. The worker wonders, watching the motion of the strangers hand, before glancing at their blindfolded face, spotting the well known purple marks going from their eyelid to the halfway point of their nose bridge, whilst the newbie remains deathly white, unable to even express the fear crawling down his back.

The worker starts to get impatient, and brushes their hand against the pistol, feeling the trigger and watching the stranger. I doubt we'd even get out alive, fucking sergeant where is this lockdown!? They mentally scream, not realising that down the end of the earpiece is a bloodbath, the room painted by what was once a group of soilders now baring no trace whatsoever.

"This is why I hate this fucking facility!" The worker yells, lifting their gun up as the newbie waits for a gunshot to be heared, but never hears it. Gathering what little strength he has, he looks at where the worker is, and stops midway.

The worker remains standing, or well, his legs and waist, as his body explodes from some kind of mutated looking snake, that leaps down, and slithers to the newbie. It's fleshy pink skin and jaws slide up the newbies leg, and looks at him, constricting him softly as the stranger stops tapping. "Your the newbie they spoke about." The creature starts, watching his fear with his no eyes, whilst the newbie doesn't make a sound. "Such youth working here? Such a waste of potential." It adds, making the stranger slowly pace towards the newbie, who can barely even hear the creature through his own heartbeat. "What's your name newbie?" The creature asks, tilting it's head as the stranger continues to walk closer, seemingly taller than the average human.

"D-Daniel, my name is Daniel." He repiles, as the creature let's out a dry raspy laugh, before pausing and looking at the dead body behind them, the legs still standing on their own.

"Such a name. You must have had lovely parents." The creature moves his face to mimic almost a grin, as the stranger makes it to Daniels front, making him have to look up to even see their face. "As for me? Oh I forgot to mention." The creature laughs, as the stranger leans down, their mouth going up to their cheekbone, by a array of teeth jutting out of their face, as Daniel keeps his mouth and mind empty, looking at the three strange red lines going down their left side of their face. "Do you wish to know my name Daniel?" The creature asks as he nods, staying cooperative, Knowing the major disadvantage he is at. The stranger stands back up, glancing over their shoulder as a soilder shakily aims their gun, and fires, in hopes of denting the stranger at least. But to no avail, as they suddenly grow what Daniel can assume to be bone growth from under their skin to tear out, blocking the gunshots, as the soilder drops his gun and tries to run away. The creature laughs as the stranger flicks a small needle at the soilder, as it makes contact, blowing the soilder up, as Daniel swallows his own screams.

Games Of InsanityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora