part 21

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Alex and Daniel walk down the hallways in silence, both anxious of each other. The snake on the other hand remains just behind Daniel, keeping an eye on him with a interest, just causing Daniel's body to shudder at the feeling of its eyes locked onto him.

The hallways remain the same, the only changes including stains of dead guards or scientists, of which alpha stops occasionally, leaning down at a body of a scientist, glancing at their wounds, cursing underneath his breath, before paying his respects. Daniel watches him, whilst he picks up bloodied remains of paperwork from a scientist, gently placing their arm back in it's resting place. "You had your colleagues right? I have my own." Alpha mutters, looking at daniel with hidden hate. "Guards are trained to die, not my friends." He adds, swiftly walking again, yet Daniel stays still, noticing the snake staying behind him.

"Why are you a scientist?" Daniel blurts, reaching out to alpha, before yanking his arm back, spotting alpha stop in his tracks. "You have killer marks, so surely you have some kind of skill set for one. What is it?" Daniel adds, remembering how alphas normal action to fighting is to just take it. Just like sukuna, you don't fight back.

Alpha stands there, watching Daniel in silence, gripping the files more. Daniel's anxiety heightens, knowing by the sheer fact of alphas sudden change makes it even more noticeable that he hit a nerve. Might as well continue, maybe I'll get somewhere. Daniel prepares himself, unsure of alphas little patience. "Your a level 3, aren't they rare? because of the dwindling number." Daniel points out, trying to not scratch his arm, feeling the pain flare up again.

"You told me your a doctor, yet you have traits of killers." Daniel adds, trying to ignore his fear, knowing the snake could just kill him with ease. Alphas stare doesn't break, although his tense face shows his little patience fading. However, Daniel persists, his curiosity starting to get the better of him.

"I saw your file. It was empty. You removed the infomation did It you?" Daniel mutters, looking away, whilst the snake perks up at the sound of running footsteps. Daniel looks at the echoing sound, whilst the snake bactracks and disappears. Alpha grins quietly, looking away from Daniel, waving his arms out in a surrendering position.

"On your knees now! Drop the file!" A guard yells, waving his gun in a up and down motion, Daniel doesn't hesitate, dropping to his knees, making sure his hands are visible. Alpha on the other hand stays still, cocking his head slighty to the left, throwing the file down, becoming more confident by  the second, waving his arms around before snickering.

"That's not how to greet a old friend. C'mon commander, drop the act." Alpha points out, leaving Daniel confused, looking at the two, even when the guard looks like he could step on him, he's fine? Daniel shakes his head in shock, as the guard lossens up, ramming the muzzel of the gun straight at alphas neck.

"We aren't friends kid, you just know someone close to me." The guard spits, taking the gun aback, lauching the grip at alphas head, knocking him down, "now stay down, orders state your brother started this, tell me his location." They order, ramming the gun back at alpha, this time at his head. Daniel stays still, his body shaking in fear, hoping they forget that has there, or at least not a threat.

"Well they don't like you, so, I won't betray my brother." Alpha grins back, slapping the gun away, using speed Daniel has to process ten times before understanding what happened; as alpha slides his leg against the guards leg, knocking them down, before grabbing the guns muzzle, yanking it away, tossing the gun down. "So, how's the view down there?" Alpha asks, glancing back at daniel. That was not humanly normal speed. Daniel ponders, getting up slowly, as alpha walks over to him, not fussed about the guard on the floor. "Oh him? To you hes commander, me? His name is yuzuki." Alpha explains, yanking Daniel's arm towards him.

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