Chapter 4 - The Ancient Trio

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Chapter 4 

"I've never seen something like it," Gwen said as she observed the markings. "What about you?"

"I will need to grab my book," Talon replied. "I'm sure I saw it somewhere but I can't remember."

They were all around the table where the dead body was put on display, trying to figure out what the markings could mean. It had to be something very dangerous if it got that reaction out of Blynn.

"You sure you never heard of a witch?" Roi asked Andrea again.

The girl nodded, making Jonathan's eyes fall on her. "I knew Elson had a secret weapon but none of us knew what it was. I thought it was some new gun. I never imagined it would turn out to be a witch. He must have sunk very low if he is willing to work with them just to wipe out the werewolves."

"She's not lying," Blynn's voice took everyone by surprise. "I've been inside her mind the day she came here. Sorry sweetheart," Blynn coughed as she tried to get up. Talon immediately appeared by her side to help her. "I can't gamble when their lives are on the line."

Andrea snorted. "Not surprised. But at least that clears the doubts about me, I hope."

"That doesn't mean we will trust you just like that," Blynn retorted as she slowly rose to her feet, holding Talon's hand. When she got close to the dead body, she stared at the markings like she was hoping they would turn out to be a nightmare.

"Blynn, what does this mean?" Keenan asked her with soft eyes. He could see how tired she was after having used up that much energy.

"I'm afraid I don't know how to bring this up," Blynn sighed, not taking her eyes off of the markings as she rubbed one of her rings. A purple book appeared on the table and Blynn quickly went through the pages till she found what she was looking for.

"No," Gwen whispered in terror when her eyes fell on the page.

"What is it?" Rafail inquired. The three witches had the same look on their pale faces, like something terrible was coming.

"Throughout the history of witches, there are three names that continuously come up. Sybil, Endora, and Asa," Blynn pointed to the names on the page.

"I can't read shit," Jonathan grumbled under his breath.

"Then you should be proud of the fact that you are of a pure werewolf line. Or at least, one that hasn't been crossed with witches," Talon winked at him.

"Keep keeping that line pure, please," Andrea rose her eyes from where she was staring at her nails to glare at the guard, making him curse under his breath.

"Anyway, the three of them were sisters and referred to as the ancient trio. All three of them were obsessed with black magic. At the time, it wasn't yet forbidden to use it. Many witches had to die for the council to understand that one simply shouldn't mess with life, death, and the past," Blynn continued. "Eventually, Sybil became so hungry for power that she killed her two sisters and used their hearts to perform a spell that would grant her eternal beauty and power."

"What the fuck?" Andrea whisper-shouted in disbelief. "I thought this only happened in fairy tales."

"There's a lot of people who did messed-up things and she's right there, conquering for the first place," Talon grimaced.

"After that, Sybil continued killing witches to steal their hearts. Some say that to perform the spell, she had to eat the flesh while it was still pumping. I'm not sure how true that is. Anyway, eventually, she discovered that the spell worked with other supernatural creatures' hearts too. She became so dangerous that the gods themselves decided to intervene."

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