Chapter 30 - Dad is crazy over mom

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Chapter 30 

"What's wrong?" Rafail tensed as he took in Aine's worried face, immediately moving to a sitting position.

"How's this possible?" The fey whispered to herself, staring at Thalia's abdomen as if it could open up and reveal its contents.

Thalia looked at Aine warily, not having expected her gasp of surprise as she glided her palms around Thalia's belly in search of something known only to her. When Aine raised her head to look at Thalia, the lycan queen's heart dropped in her stomach.

"It has caused more damage, hasn't it?" Thalia felt all her hopes crumbling to ashes and tears stung in her emerald eyes.

"What?" Aine asked her in confusion. She seemed so unfocused as she concentrated on the feeling of her palms on Thalia's skin.

"It's okay," Thalia tried to keep a straight face, willing the tears away. "It was a long shot anyway."

"I can't believe this," Aine suddenly exclaimed, her face breaking into a giddy grin. "The jinn magic," She shakily spoke before looking straight into Rafail's eyes, "it's being absorbed."

"What?" It was Thalia's turn to look at her in confusion.

"Oh god," Aine shouted excitedly. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Rafail, how have you not noticed this, you stupid fool?"

Rafail looked at the fey queen like she had grown a head. Since when was he supposed to notice jinn magic being absorbed?

"Thalia," Aine turned her head towards her as she beamed, completely ignoring Rafail. "It's a miracle. I... I can't believe it. You're pregnant."

"What?" Thalia's vision blurred, her ears ringing in her head as she felt the room spin around her. She barely managed to whisper her question as the fey's last words hung in the air, unable to register in her brain.

Aine shot forward, hugging them both. "You won't need me," She shakily laughed. "That's good. That's great. I'm so relieved."

When she pulled back, she noticed them looking at her with blank faces. She bit her lip, trying to contain her happiness for them. She could see they both were too shocked by the news but she was sure. She had felt the new energy inside Thalia the moment she had laid her hands on her. Then, she had searched for a heartbeat. It had been hard to feel the vibrations – Thalia couldn't be more than six weeks along – but she had. She had felt them.

And now the soon-to-be parents were gaping at her like fish out of water.

"You're pregnant," Aine repeated slowly, her smile still dazzling on her pretty face. "If I had to guess, I'd say you're around a month and a half along but I can't be sure. I don't know how it has happened. Honestly, I had little hope when I made that offer. Jinn's blades are notorious for causing irreparable damage."

"Huh?" Rafail managed to whisper, his eyes unfocused, as if he couldn't make sense of a word she was saying.

"But it has. It has happened. Oh my god, you're going to be parents," She beamed at them again. She could see they weren't reacting but she couldn't help it. She remembered how broken Thalia had seemed as she stared at Ylenia's – bless her soul – and Sarin's bellies. She remembered Rafail's pain. How could she not feel happy for them?

"I will get out and give you a moment," She smiled softly, getting up from her chair.

Neither of them reacted till they heard the sound of the door closing behind Aine's back. Rafail turned to look at Thalia; the expression on her face unreadable as she kept staring straight ahead.

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