Chapter 32 - Shit-show

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Chapter 32

The golden flowers embedded in her flowy, tulle green dress sparkled as moonlight hit them. They matched the golden speckles under her skin but what was really dazzling that night was Aine's smile as she threw her arms around the wolf's neck and hugged Rafail tightly.

The feeling in her chest – so much warmth, it brought tears to her eyes. Tears she didn't even try to blink away. Sister - he had called her. Family. And he had said it with care, with love. She had never before felt something so sweet. So accepting.

"Hello, brother," She barely managed to whisper, giggling against his black fur. She didn't care that her dead mother would be mortified at her current behavior. The fey queen showing vulnerability and tears? Happiness? Too much care? It was against everything she had been taught.

She had to be a portrait. A beautiful, cold, deadly portrait. Those exact words would always ring in her brain.

But tonight, they sounded muffled, drowned by the presence of a new voice in her mind. The voice of a brother. She had lost one, and now she had been gifted another. She didn't know much about sibling love but she'd figure it out. She would find a way to let him in. And it wouldn't be hard. Not with Rafail – she had already opened up with him more than she had with anyone in her life.

Not even Derya, who had grown up alongside her, had managed to pierce her mask. After all, the fey had been taught the same things as her queen. They would never be free enough to show their care, having to keep up the façade. Even if they both loved each other dearly, unworded love would always be like a fire that offers no warmth, like flames cold to the touch.

So this new bond was new territory for Aine, one she would explore with gentleness and devotion. Up until now, she had only given love to a body hidden inside a grave. It was time she gave some of that to the living too.

Aine giggled again when she felt Raf's snout on her cheek.

"Ew," She pushed him away, making a disgusted face before wiping her tears.

"That was a proper sister reaction," Rafail chuckled.

"I gu-"

"What's happening here?" Roi suddenly walked inside the office, looking from Raf's wolf to Aine's teary face repeatedly as he held what smelled like a full-of-poop diaper in his hand.

"I'm making family," Rafail gave him a wolfish wink.

Roi groaned loudly, glaring and pointing at his brother with the diaper. "You're supposed to be making friends, you idiot. Not family," He turned his glare towards Aine who frowned at his words. 

"What about me?" He exclaimed. "Who's gonna be my sister?"

At his whiny voice, they both cracked up laughing, not having expected that after the annoyance waved that rolled off of him.

"Thalia is," Rafail replied after his harsh laughter died down, showing off his canines in what looked like a smirk when Aine put an arm on his back and stared at Roi smugly.

"Of course, but she's connected to you. I want a sister for myself now," Roi pouted, frustratingly moving his hands around but quickly regretting it when the smell of shit hit his nostrils.

"And here I was going to offer my sibling-ery," Aine stuck her tongue out at him.

"Keep it," Roi angrily snapped, sticking his tongue out back at her.

"Fine," Aine mocked, copying his voice.

"Will we be at war if I declare my dislike for the fey queen?" He looked at Raf, who was enjoying their banter.

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