Chapter 40 - United

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Chapter 40

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Andrea growled as soon as Thalia stepped out of the portal. It had been no longer than 10 minutes since the queen pulled that trick on her, and despite the nurses glaring at Andrea for not staying still, she was too pissed to care. Quickly scanning Thalia's body, she let out a sigh when there were no wounds spotted.

"Stop moving," Thalia pushed her back on the bed. "You've lost enough blood. Abby?" She turned to raise a brow at the nurse.

"Dr. Oborin is with her," The nurse answered, slightly lowering her head in respect.

"Thank you," Thalia nodded at the nurse before turning back to Andrea. "I'll go check on her. Don't do anything stupid."

"Me?" Andrea looked at her like she'd grown two heads.

"I'm not even gonna ask how you and Abby ended up in that situation," Thalia spoke before Andrea could continue, effectively shutting her up. "Stay still and be nice," She said before walking away in search of Abby.

It wasn't easy to find her amidst the commotion. The whole hospital was bustling as more and more portals randomly appeared around the entrance, bringing the injured kingsguards to the nurses' attention. Everyone was running around, trying to do their jobs as best as possible even though most of them had no idea what was happening. After all, the coup had been a sneak attack, and only a handful knew about it. When all this was over, Thalia made a mental note to thank the hospital crew. They really were heroes.

Following the faint scent, she found Abby in a small room with at least 10 people around her bed.

"Your majesty," Dr. Oborin - the head of the surgery department in the palace's hospital - shouted among the noise, without removing his attention from his patient.

"How bad is it?" Thalia had to hold back her tears at the sight of her best friend all beaten up and blooded, with tubes sticking out from all over her body.

"I won't sugarcoat it," Dr. Oborin replied as he spread a big bandage covered in healing clay across Abby's wounds. "It's bad. She's in shock from how much blood she's lost and these wounds are healing too slowly. There is a silver lining though and it's the fact that the bullets aren't lodged somewhere inside her. The huntress has done well. She might as well be the only reason your friend's still alive."

"Will she make it?" Thalia's voice cracked, the tears that she had been holding back finally staining her cheeks.

The doctor turned to look at her, his cold blue eyes catching her captive. "I'll do my best," He simply said and that was enough to give Thalia hope. There was confidence in that cold blue, and that was all that Thalia had needed.

With one last nod, he rolled the bed towards the operating room. And now, she was left to do the one thing she was dreading the most.

Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she closed her eyes and searched her mind for the link. "Simon," She barely whispered, immediately feeling the bone-crushing panic of her friend.

"Where is she?"


"What the fuck were you thinking?" Darren slammed his blooded fists on the table. It had been no more than half an hour since they had killed the last traitor and Raf had no idea how Darren had managed to make all the council members come around in the middle of the night.

Rafail rubbed his temples, trying to will the headache away. He didn't exactly appreciate Darren's tone but the man was right and, as he looked at the faces of his council members, they all agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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