Chapter 8 - Truth comes out

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Chapter 8

Thalia moaned lightly, her lips curving up in a content smile.

"Good morning, my queen," Rafail mumbled against her skin as he continued planting small kisses all over her back and shoulders.

"Morning," She greeted him sleepily.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, massaging her back muscles.

"Happy, in love, and very fucking sore," Thalia grimaced when she slightly moved her leg.

Rafail chuckled lowly, causing sparks to shoot up her spine from the vibrations of his laughter. "I'd say I'm sorry but it'd be a lie. I plan to do the same thing again," He said as he nibbled on her shoulder. "And again," He whispered in her ear. "And again after that."

Thalia couldn't help the groan that escaped her throat as her lower regions sparked to life once again. "Give a girl some time, won't you?"

"I'll draw you a bath," He chuckled before jumping out of the bed and walking to the bathroom.

"No," She extended her hands towards him. "Come back, pine and mint."

"In a minute, little firefly."

Thalia heard the water running as he walked around, taking care of stuff that she didn't care about. She was perfectly happy with staying in bed all day even though a bath sure sounded nice. Some minutes later, she shivered instinctively as Rafail pulled the sheets away from her naked body before scooping her up on his arms.

"Ouch," Thalia hissed in pain. "It hurts," She pouted.

"It'll get better, love," Rafail kissed her temple before stepping inside the bath.

"I should've listened when you told me to slow down," Thalia moaned contently when the warm water wrapped around her skin.

"I'm glad you didn't," Rafail teased, pulling her closer to his chest as he leaned against the bathtub.

"I like this," She smiled even though he couldn't see her. The early morning, the warm water, his hard body under hers – she loved the intimacy of it all.

"Me too," He whispered as he lazily caressed her abdomen.

The bathroom was lightly illuminated by the first sun rays of the day that peeked inside the window and danced over her skin, making it glow softly as she basked on that yellow warmth through closed eyes. Her curves were hidden from his sight by bubbles that continuously formed and burst in the surface of the crystal bluish water. The sweet aroma of vanilla-scented bath bomb had filled the space but he smelled nothing of it; his senses reveling on honey and ocean breeze.

"Rafail?" Thalia mumbled after some moments of comfortable silence.

"Yes, love?"

"Will you not say anything about what happened?" She muttered, feeling her heart on her skin as her stomach shrank in nervousness. She wasn't sure about bringing up the topic but it was a constant buzz in the back of her mind. She needed to know that he truly forgave her, even though she knew she didn't exactly deserve it.

But with him, she was selfish. She wanted his love even when she wasn't worthy of it. She wanted his love forever. She simply wanted him.

"What do you want me to say?" He asked with a sigh. He knew he should've said something when she poured her feelings out the previous night but there wasn't much he could say to that. Her actions had hurt him, of course, but he understood her feelings all too well. He had literally felt them along with her. Her hate for him was never a feeling that invaded her on its own. It was always accompanied by grief and guilt. How could he ever be mad at her for grieving the loss of a life she had always wanted?

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