Chapter 24 - Blessed father, Cursed Father

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Chapter 24

"She's perfect," Rafail whispered to his brother as they both stared at the little bundle in Roi's arms.

They had finally found some peace and quiet after Sarin's long labor. The witch had, as expected, cursed her mate to the moon and promised she'd never have another baby. Then she had forgotten all she had said the moment the tiny baby let out her first cry.

Roi's happiness could barely be contained as he had kissed his mate loudly, sloppily, lovingly. Then he had made a victory dance before feeling the blood running out of his face when the nurse had taken the baby from Sarin and handed her to him. Stoically, he had drawn a deep breath before turning into a statue and not daring to move as his little princess cuddled in his arms.

Their loved ones had come and gone but he had thanked them without moving his arms an inch. Blynn had wanted to pinch his bicep but hadn't wanted to risk her life with his wolf being clearly on edge. And Cedric had made fun of him but then fallen to his knees when Roi had growled. That growl, however, had died down faster than ice cubes melt on top of a grill on a sunny day when the baby had gotten scared and started crying.

Eventually, the nurse had come to Roi's rescue and the new father could finally breathe. The next time he took his babygirl in his arms, he was more prepared. Or that's what it had looked like.

"Right?" Roi beamed. "I can't believe I made her."

"No, I made her," Sarin rolled her eyes at him but the smile on her lips betrayed her intentions. "The only thing you did was not find a towel that was staring right at you."

Roi chuckled lightly, not wanting to disturb his little girl. "You did it, mamma," His proud voice reflected how full of love he felt.

Sarin blushed with a smile.

"How are you feeling?" Thalia asked Sarin, placing the bowl of soup she brought by the nightstand.

"Happy," Sarin tiredly beamed at her friend. "Tired."

Thalia chuckled and placed a kiss on Sarin's temple before walking to where the two brothers were admiring the baby.

"You two look so cute but she totally steals the show," Thalia cooed, lightly caressing her tiny, beanie-covered head. "Did you decide what to name her yet?" She asked, not taking her eyes of the baby.

"Yes," Roi proudly said, glancing at his mate.

"Raina Aradia Dubois," Sarin's face lit up as she softly mumbled the name.

"Raina," Rafail repeated, testing the name of his niece. He smiled, liking how it sounded.

"I love it," Thalia grinned. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

"Do you want to hold her?" Roi looked at the queen with eyes full of light.

"I'd love to," Thalia straightened up as Roi carefully placed his daughter in her arms.

"I'm a father," He exclaimed loudly, wiggling his eyebrows at Rafail before walking to Sarin's bed.

"We got it, love," Sarin laughed softly, amused by her mate's need to say the words every five minutes.

"Maybe you did" - Roi tapped her nose lovingly – "but I'm trying to register it for myself."

The blonde witch laughed, tilting her head towards his hand that was cupping her cheek.

"I love you," Roi's voice cracked, full of emotion, causing Sarin's eyes to water for the millionth time that day. She'd never have enough of his love.

"I love you," She sighed in content as his touch calmed her overwhelmed self.

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