Chapter 33 - The traitor

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Chapter 33 

"What are you doing here?" Abby hissed at her king through the mindlink.

"You two said you had something interesting. I came to see," Rafail shrugged as he lowered his body to the ground, joining Abby and Andrea.

"You shouldn't leave the palace," Andrea sighed but kept her focus on the two men some kilometers away in front of them.

"I got bored."

"Well, don't get killed," She turned to glare at him before staring straight ahead again.

Rolling his eyes, Rafail followed her gaze. "What the fuck is Darren so angry about?" He frowned, opening the link to both of them. "And what are these two doing together?"

"We don't know," Andrea scoffed. "That's why we're observing."

"The fuckers are right next to the waterfall," Rafail cursed. "Even I can't make out much of what they're saying. Apart from Darren cursing at Bruce."

"Has he met Loic these last days?" Abby looked at Andrea for an answer. She had accepted becoming a spy as soon as Andrea had presented the idea, much to Simon's annoyance. Declan had given her the go-ahead, knowing that Rafail would eventually ask him to just let her join them at the palace. Despite not wanting to lose his beta and friend, he knew that Abby would enjoy working for the crown. Plus, if he ever really needed her, he had no doubt she'd help, no questions asked.

So, for the last ten days, Abby had been following Bruce around. She had reported some weird activity on his side, but as of yet, nothing had happened. Not until today when she saw who Bruce was meeting and linked Andrea, joining her hiding place. They had decided to tell Rafail, which, as it turned out, had been a mistake.

"Twice," Andrea replied, once again blessing the injected werewolf genes for the usefulness of the mindlink. "I couldn't catch what they were saying without risking being caught."

"They're being very careful about that," Abby sighed. "Even now we can't listen to their words."

Rafail closed his mindlink off and focused on his hearing. Yet, he could only catch short phrases.

Crown...King...Kill you...Dare to threaten...Don't know.

"Darren is threatening Bruce but he doesn't really mention why," He frowned in thought.

"I overheard Bruce mentioning Darren with a lot of anger in his voice once. Maybe he knows about Darren being the traitor?" Abby looked at Rafail.

"Remember when I told you I saw Loic close to Bruce's house five days ago?" Andrea raised a brow at her fellow spy.

"Is he trying to kill Bruce to hide his tracks?" Abby asked through widened eyes.

Rafail glanced at them before looking back at the men. Bruce seemed to have had enough as he was currently walking away while Darren glared at him with eyes full of hatred.

"Why don't you use your alpha command on them?" Andrea turned to Raf. "We already have enough evidence to justify you going full king on them."

"That's not a bad idea," Abby added.

Rafail looked at them in thought. "Maybe you're right," He said before he left them to follow their respective assignments.

"I'll tell Blynn if you come out again," Abby linked him after some minutes.

"Snitches get stitches," Rafail linked her back.

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