Chapter 13 - Pixies and Feys

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Chapter 13

"Oh, that's gold now!" An exaggerated, mocking voice was heard. "You care more about Mother Nature?? Is that why you dig into every hole you find in hopes to find some shiny little goodies?"

"If you don't shut your stupid mouth and climb down from your high tree, I might be compelled to dig into your holes," Came an angry growl as a reply.

"I fucking dare you to try, you pompous manchild. I might get compelled to stick my high tree into your holes."

"You're calling me a manchild? You? With those big-ass, pointy ears? What do you even use those for? To tickle the fleas away?"

"That was such a stupid comeback. We live among the trees, you uncultured swine. How would we get fleas?" The young man rolled his eyes.

"Jackass, it's not you who gets the fleas. It's the fleas that get you and then curse every day of their life for living with such parasites as yourselves. Those poor little insects."

"I'll pull those diamonds teeth out of your dirty mouth, you asshole."

"For fuck's sake," Aidoneus turned to look at Rafail in annoyance. "Who thought it was a good idea to invite feys and pixies in the same garden?"

At the god's voice, the two young men paled. Their threats long forgotten as they stared into Aidoneous' black eyes like little kids that had been caught being naughty. It didn't help that they had never seen a god before in their short lives, let alone an angry one. However, they had no idea who he was. They only knew that he was undoubtedly scary.

"I have no idea," Rafail shook his head with a sigh. They had just arrived back at the palace, using a portal that Aidoneus had created. Roi had immediately taken off to find Sarin while the others had dumbfoundedly listened to the conversation between the two drivers of the two species.

"I'll solve your problem for you," Blynn scowled. "You're both stupid as fuck," She loudly insulted them before following Roi inside, with Cedric closely behind her.

The two guys visibly cringed as they turned to look at Aidoneus again.

"What?" The god raised a brow at them. "As if I can deny that."

Thalia held back her laughter when they glanced at each other guiltily after Aidoneus walked away too.

"How about you two socialize with the guards?" Rafail tried not to glare at them. They were guests after all. Plus, he couldn't deny they were a bit amusing too.

"Different," Thalia added immediately. "Different guards."

"In opposite corners," Rafail clarified even more.

The two drivers both nodded at the same time, making the situation even more comic than it already was. As Thalia and Rafail walked to the door, the blonde fey glared at the redhead pixie.

"This is all your fault."

"You started it," The redhead sneered at him.

Rafail exhaled loudly. "Different guards," He shouted and the drivers straightened their backs with a grimace.


"Sarin," Roi shouted for her as he forcefully pushed open the ballroom's double door. The panic in his voice made the witch jump off her chair. Immediately, she was snatched into his warm embrace as he breathed in as much of her scent as he could.

"What's wrong?" She fearfully asked even as her muscles relaxed and her heartbeat slowed down from being inside his arms.

Roi delicately touched her belly. "You didn't give birth or anything, right?"

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