We Aren't Meant for Eachother

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Hiiiii so I love writing glee stuff and I think one shots might be easy to write. Since they're short and simple.

Puck doesn't want to be with Santana, but she finds out she's pregnant.

"Listen Santana while we had an amazing time I don't do relationships. I think we should stop hooking up. I really do like you, but I have a reputation to keep" Puck says rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Whatever Puck just next time don't waste my time" I say walking away.

I never really thought I liked Puck.

He was always just a fun time, but after while I may have caught tiny feelings. So him calling us off for his reputation hurts, but I get it I guess.

Reputations mean a lot at McKinley.

I find myself wondering the halls, not particularly in a good mood. I haven't been feeling well these pass few days. Maybe it's my diet or something, but Puck made it worse and I get a sudden feeling of nausea.

I run to the closest bathroom, no one was in there from what I can see. I quickly close the stall and empty the contents of my stomach, once I'm done I can't help but cry.

I don't know why I'm crying, but I am, it's not like he cared for me.

Ugh I hate crying and I hate feelings, there is no need for them and they're a waste of time.

I sniffle, then I hear the bathroom door open abruptly. I quickly stand and try to fix myself up.

"Um San are you alright?" I hear Finn ask.

"Finn what are you doing in the girls bathroom?" I ask, opening the stall door and walking to wash my hands.

"I just wanted to make sure you are alright. I saw you run in here and you looked pretty sick" he says playing with his hands.

"I'm fine Finn I-" I start but he cuts me off mid sentence.

"Santana you're not fine I can tell,  I care for
you and I know you're not ok so tell me" he looks at me seriously.

"Fine you want to know everything. Puck just called it quits and usually I don't care but this time I do, my family is constantly getting on to me about being perfect, and to top it off I've been feeling sick for the past week" I exhale, it kind of felt good to tell someone.

"Wow Santana, I'm so sorry I didn't know" he says searching my eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry or be here. I'm horrible to you Finn, I don't get why you care about me so much" I turn my back to him.

"Look, even though you are a bit mean I know you Santana. The night when we did what we did, even though it wasn't for the right reasons you were actually sweet about it. Until we got to school, but still I know the real you. Not this perfect, mean girl, facade you put up" he says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I felt so many emotions, I wanted to cry, I wanted to hug him, I wanted to throw up. Yeah no I need to throw up again.

I run to the same stall and throw up. Finn holds my hair and rubs my back, once I'm done I sit on the floor catching my breath.

"San how long did you say you were sick for again?" He asks.

"A week, why?" I ask confused.

"Ok um this may sound weird but have you gotten your period yet?" He asks looking seriously.

I think to when I had my period, I don't remember.

I should be getting it.

No not getting on it, fuck!

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