Dangerous insecurity

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Heyyy I'm trying to upload more one shots so don't worry they'll be coming soon ;) I'm not sure if people like finntana as much but I figured I would write some about them. TW: Serious topics (ED) ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Santana becomes insecure and starves
herself so Finn will notice her more.

Santana's POV...

I came home from school and tossed my bag onto the floor, then jumped onto my bed, crying into the pillow.


Because Finn and Quinn are dating yet again.

You're probably asking why it matters?

I'm in love with Finn and I have been since the 1st grade, when he got my lunch back from a bully.


I grabbed my pretty pink sparky lunch box from my cubby and headed to the lunchroom in a single file line like our teacher makes us. When we got to the cafeteria we sat down and started taking our food out. I was so excited because my mom packed me a lunch-able. Something she never did, because of how unhealthy they were. Just as I'm about to open it to enjoy the crackers, ham, and cheese the schools bully snatches it right out of my hand.

"Hey give it back" I whine as he smiles evilly at me.

"No way pip squeak this is all mine" he chuckles walking away. I huff then sit back down, my tummy grumbled loudly, but I had no food. The only thing I had left was my water.

I became so hungry that I started to cry softly, I was really looking forward to my lunch-able. That was the only time I was able to get one and now it's gone.

"Hey San what's wrong?" I look up to see Finn looking down at me.

"Oh hey Finn, I'm just hungry" I frown remembering that the lunch-able had nerds candy in it.

"Didn't you bring lunch?" He questions furrowing his brows.

"Joey took it" I pout.

"That's so rude of him, come with me" he holds his hand out and I take it. He leads us to where Joey was with my unopened lunch-able in his hand as he was talking to his friends.

"Finn you don't have to" I stop him.

"Ahem Joey" Finn ignores me and taps Joey's shoulder rather aggressively.

"What do you want freak?" Joey looks to Finn, then me.

"You need to give Santana her lunch back" Finn tells him seriously.

"No" Joey turns back to his friends.

"I wasn't asking I was telling you" Finn became more angry with Joey.

"Oh really?" Joey stood up, but was no match for Finn as he towered over Joey. Finn was the tallest in our grade so he made everyone seem tiny compared to him.

"Give it back" Finn says once more this time sounding even scarier, which made Joey scared. He handed me the lunch-able and apologized, before turning back around to his friends. Finn brought us back to the table and sat down next to me.

"My hero" I kissed his cheek, turning him slightly red.

End of  flashback...

From that day on I knew I loved Finn.

He became my best friend in the whole wide world and we did everything together.

It's been like that forever.

Until he started dating Quinn.

He became distant with me, apparently she hates him hanging out with me or any other girls for that matter. After all she's done to him they're back together and seemingly happy. Which hurt, because it means he doesn't love me or need me ever.

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