I'm a Star and So Are You

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Rachel finds Santana crying in the choir room alone.

(Only Rachel's POV)

I decided to use the choir room on our day off, because I need to practice as much as I can if I want to be perfect.

I already am and I need to keep up that perfection, singing is a piece of cake, but I still need to practice if I want to make the team win sectionals. If I don't put my all into it we'll never win. Eyes are on me at all times, there's no room for error or mistakes.

I walk into the choir room hearing a slight whimper and I can see a slight shadow in the corner. I quickly turn on the lights, low and behold Santana Lopez.

Why would she be crying in the choir room in the dark?

I've never seen Santana cry before.

This is weird, but there's a clear sadness to it, I can hear the hurt.

"Oh Rachel" she says standing up and quickly wiping her tears. "You can use the room I was just leaving" she grabs her bag and heads for the door.

Seeing Santana cry was defiantly a shocker, because she literally never cries. Like that girl can be told to die and she will still smile in your face and insult you back. She has a tough skin and I always have admired that about her. Even though she's ruthless and mean she had her reasons. I respect them, even though being kinder would be easier.

"Santana wait! Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" I ask.

Never in a million years would I have done something like this, but she clearly needs a friends.

Even though she may not consider me to be one.

"No it's fine. I don't expect you to sit and listen to my problems" she turns around and grabs the door handle.

"It's okay. I want to listen, you clearly aren't ok, and it wouldn't be right just to ignore that. Even if we aren't the closest" I say giving her a reassuring smile.

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone about this. They'll get on me for confiding in you" she sighs placing her bag down and sitting on the piano chair.

"I promise cross my heart" I make and X on my heart, making her smile slightly.

That's what I was looking for a smile.

"It's just my parents and abuela. They think my singing stuff is stupid. My dad wants me to be a doctor like him and my mom agree's. My abuela wants me to get married, have kids, and be a house wife. I don't want that for myself. Playing doctor when I was eight was fun, but that's not what I want to do and forget being a house wife" she explains.

I honestly felt bad.

I've only had the support of my dads my entire life, they support me in everything I do. I will never know how she feels.

I wish she didn't have to feel that way.

I wish her parents were supportive, like mine.

I'm a star and so is she, from one star to another.

"I'm sorry your parents aren't supportive San, but if singing is your passion you should go for it" I say.

"It's not that easy Rachel. My family had been shooken up since I came out to them and now I want to be a singer. In my dad's words "that's a stupid dream, it isn't practical or guaranteed" she sighs looking down.

"Look San You're an amazing singer, I should know and you could easily make a career out of it. Especially if you go to college for it" I encourage her with a smile.

"Thank you Rachel, but I could never afford college on my own and my parents wouldn't pay for it, if it's performing arts" she shrugs shaking her head.

"I'm sure you could apply for a scholarship or student aide. There's plenty of resources that you could use. I wouldn't give up on it San. You have real talent and most people would kill for the raw talent that you have. You wouldn't want to think twenty years down the line, why did I listen to my parents instead of following my dream would you?" I ask.

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