The New Girl

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Heyyyyy ok so my stomach hurts and I don't know why, but anywayyy hope you enjoy:) Santana's outfit is up-top.

Santana goes to a new school and sees her ex Quinn but meets Brittany.

I'm moving, something I thought wouldn't be for a while, but it's here.

The day is here.

My mom and dad insisted that we move to this town in Ohio called Lima.

God knows where that is, or who lives there.

Am I happy about it?

Not exactly.

I don't want to leave my friends, specifically Blaine.

I'll miss him the most, but I'll only be an hour away and I'll make time to see him. We spent all last night crying, because we know it's going to be hard without seeing each-other everyday.

When we got to the new house I was in awe.

It was beautiful and the inside was even more, my favorite part is my room. It's way bigger than my old one and it's decorated just how I like it.

I actually start school today and I'm getting ready.

My outfit consisted of baggy light wash ripped jeans, and black ribbed tank top with a red dragon on the front, a faux snake skin bag, my black combat boots, and some shades.

I won't be the outcast like I was at my old school.

I have a chance to make an impression and actually be somebody at this school.

"Santana are you ready?" My mom asks from downstairs.

"Yes mamí just one minute" I call back.

After doing whatever I needed to do I went downstairs, where my mom was in the kitchen. My dad already went to work.

"Morning mija lets get going" she grabs her keys.

"Morning mamí, do I have to start today?" I whine.

"Yes you do now come on before you're late" she smiles and walks out the door.

"Fineee" I huff and follow her out to the car.

The drive to school was fast.

She let me out and we said our goodbyes then she drove off. As I walked to the front of the school I hear whistles from a group of boys standing by a dumpster.

Ugh men.

"Come over here baby!" The one with a Mohawk yells after they throw a boy into the dumpster.

Poor boy.

"Yeah I'm gonna pass!" I yell back and continue into the school.

I find my locker and put some stuff away, then start decorating it. Before I finished I hear someone clear their throat and I turn around to see a short brunette with bangs. She's wearing a red and white polka dot cardigan with a red skirt, white tights, and black flats.

Does her mom dress her or something? 

This girl is dressed like a toddler taking a Christmas photo.

"Hi I'm Rachel Berry" she smiles.

"Uh hi" I smile at the awkward short girl.

"You must be Santana. I'm your guide for today" she shows me the pass she has.

"Ok" I close my locker and follow her.

"So you have most of my classes you could just stick by me" she says and I nod.

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