Happy birthday will you marry me?

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Hiiiii loves I'm on a roll with uploading this story it's great:) I wanted to say thank you for 137 reads it may not seem like a lot but it means a lot to me so tysm<333 enjoyyy:)

Puck proposes to Santana on her birthday

Right now I'm getting ready for my birthday party that Quinn and Brittany insisted on throwing me. I told them I would've been ok with a simple gathering, but they were adamant about having a big celebration. I mean I really appreciate it, but I'm just turning 23. I get if it was my 21st or 30th but it's ok I'm grateful anyway.

Puck is somewhere in the apartment probably getting ready or something, I don't know.

After I finish my makeup I pick out my dress.

I look best in red so I pick a gorgeous red dress I got specifically for my birthday along with a pair of black heels.

 I look best in red so I pick a gorgeous red dress I got specifically for my birthday along with a pair of black heels

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I look in the mirror and admire my reflection.

Damn I look hot as always.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Puck dressed up and smiling. I smile back as he walks towards me.

"Wow you look gorgeous" he says pulling a little long box out from behind his back.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Open it" He hands it to me.

I open the box and inside was a beautiful silver diamond necklace with a pair of matching earrings.

"Puck it's beautiful" I look down at the jewelry.

"Here I'll put it on turn around" he spins me. I put my hair up so he could put it on me. When he's finished I turn around and kiss him.

"I love it thank you" I plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"I'm glad you do. It's time to go or we'll be late to your birthday party" he smiles.

"Okay" I grab my purse and smile back.

We walk out of the apartment and walk to the car, he opens the door for me and I smile then get in .

We drive to Quinn and Joe's house.

When we get there I can hear music and see lots of people littered throughout the yard. Tonight's going to be hectic, I can already tell.

Puck opens the car door and helps me out, then he takes my hand and we open the front door. There were people dancing, drinking, and talking.

Some I recognized, but not all.

"The birthday girl is here!" Quinn shouts causing everyone to cheer.

"Hey girl" I kiss her cheek.

"Come come we have to do a shot" she drags Puck and I to the kitchen. I see all of my friends in the kitchen and they all turn when they see Puck and I enter.

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