Broadway Babe

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Okay I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm kind of obsessed with writing Pezberry now. I think I'm going crazy.

Rachel asks Santana, her understudy, out on a date (they didn't meet in high school) That's their outfits for lunch.

Rachel's POV...

I've been practicing for Funny Girl everyday of the week, which I find hard when my understudy is so damn hot. I always catch myself staring or drooling over her as she dances. She's incredible and mesmerizing, it's hard not to be captivated by her. She's so graceful and sexy and  I can't help but want her.

I think the guys here agree with me too.

Right now I'm watching her dance.

"Santana that was amazing keep it up" the director says, she nods thankfully and takes a drink of water. I watched a droplet go down her lips and felt a tingly feeling watching her drink.

What is wrong with me?

Rachel you're being a pervert, cut it out.

"Hey Rachel!" She stands next to me and I jump not realizing she was there. I was seriously zoned out in that second.

"Hey Santana" I smile brightly.

"John wants you to practice now" she points and he waves me over.

"Okay thanks" I quickly smile and she smiles back, then sits where I was sitting watching me intently. I can't help but feel nervous under her watch. She's had that affect on me since she walked in at auditions.


"Okay next!" John calls.

The music starts but no one comes out.

As soon as I heard Don't rain on my parade I knew that this would be a joke, because no one can sing it as good as Barbara and I. But when she started singing coming from the hallway my mouth dropped and I was beyond shook.

It wasn't some wannabe broadway star, it was THE Santana Lopez. She's been in plenty of broadway musicals. One more amazing than the last and she is real talent.

Now she auditioning to be my understudy?!

What in the world is going on?

If she wanted to be the lead I would've easily given it to her or wouldn't have auditioned at all. It's an honor just for me to be in the same room as her, let alone hear her sing in person.

She sung with grace, but also with power.

No note was missed nor overlooked.

The sounds coming out of her mouth were angelic and even Barbra would be shocked. She hit high notes with ease like it's no struggle, she been doing this since she could talk and it shows in her work. My mind is completely blown and I think John would definitely agree with me on this one.

She finished singing and smiled brightly, making me blush slightly. John and I both clapped giving her a standing ovation, because she definitely deserved one and I think even the crew was clapping.  

"That was amazing Santana!" John beams.

"Thank you so much" she thanks John not loosing her breath taking smile. There's something about it that captivates you and leaves you wanting more, like you're in a trance.

"I will definitely be giving you a call soon, Rachel what did you think?" He looks to me and I quickly gain composure.

"I'm speechless! That was literally one of the best performances I've ever seen. I would be honored to have you as my understudy" I smile at her and she thanks me.

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