We Aren't Meant for Eachother Pt.2

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Hiiii guys I decided to do a part two along with a time jump.

Santana begins having contractions and her water breaks mid Glee club rehearsal.

"Come on guys we need to be perfect for regionals, you're being lazy and slow" Rachel screeches loudly, like a banshee on steroids.

"Berry will you be quiet! You're getting on my last nerve and I'm not afraid to kill, you even if I'm nine months pregnant" I spit out, feeling the anger build up.

"Hey San it's ok. Why don't you sit down? Maybe  take a little break" Puck kisses my head, helping me sit down in a chair. "I'm so sorry guys she's been extra emotional lately. The pregnancy hasn't been easy on her" he says apologizing to every else.

"You may be sorry, but I'm not. Don't be annoying and you won't hear my mouth" I look at Rachel, rolling my eyes.

"Again so sorry" he apologizes with a little laugh.

That's when I feel it a sharp pain in my stomach it  and hurt like living hell.

"Ow! Oh my god, ow!" I yelp grabbing my stomach.

"San are you ok?" Puck asks running up to me.

"It's ok, I'm fine. It's just Braxton Hics, I've been getting them a lot lately. I just need to put my feet up and drink water, can you hand me my water bottle please?" I ask putting my feet up on the chair beside me.

"Yes of course my love" he goes into my bag and grabbing my water bottle, then handing it to me.

"Thank you baby, I love you" I say giving him a smile, before taking a sip of water.

"Love you too" he smiles back.

"Ok wow she changes moods quickly" Rachel points out, with a laugh.

"She's usually really sweet, but since she's only a couple days away from giving birth she's been a little irritable" Puck shakes his head slightly with a goofy grin.

"Honestly it's weird going over to her house, she get's all sentimental and gushy" Quinn laughs at the memories.

It happens again, the sharp pain. This time the pain is 10 times worse and it feels like it's lasting longer than the one before.

"Santana I think we should go to the hospital. I don't think those are Braxton Hicks" Puck says grabbing my hand pulling me up.

"No it's ok my due date isn't for another week" I give him a reassuring smile.

Then boom, a trickle of liquid runs down my leg. It kind of feels like I'm peeing, but I didn't feel the need to.

That's when it hit me, those weren't Braxton Hicks and I'm in deed going into labor.

I'm definitely nervous, of course, but I'm also happy. We decided to be surprised, instead of finding out the gender. So today we'll be find out whether we are have a baby girl or a baby boy. Fingers crossed for a boy, but I'll be happy either way having our little bean here already is what I want.

"Um Puck you're right. Those weren't Braxton Hicks my water just broke the babies coming now, like right now" I look at him frantically.

"Oh my god! Shit! Fuck! Ok, ok. Um Finn can you drive?" Puck asks holding me up slightly.

"Yeah let's go now, before she has the baby in the choir room" Finn rushes, grabbing his bag and his keys.

"The rest of you meet us there!" Puck calls helping me walk out the room.

"Britt and I will get the baby bag and tell your parents" Quinn says.

"Ok thank you guys! I'll see you at the hospital" I wave rushing to Finn's car. We get in Rachel and Finn in the front seat and puck and I in the back.

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