Slushie fiasco

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Hiiiiiiiiii here we go with another one-shot if you guys have any suggestions please let me know :) Her outfit is uptop:)

Santana takes a slushie for new girl Quinn.

My life absolutely sucks now.


Brittany broke up with me because I was too mean, but not to her to everyone else.

Her exact words were " I do like you Santana but you're too mean for me and everyone thinks that you're a bitch. It's not that I care what they think, but it's too much right now" .

Those words have been haunting me for the past 3 weeks, I've given up on myself. Right now I'm sitting in the choir room slumped in my chair sulking quietly while Berry leads warmups.

"That's it Santana get up. No more feeling sorry for yourself" Kurt pulls me up from my seat.

"No leave me alone let me sulk" I pull my hoodie over my head and put my ear bud back in my ear, then sit back down.

"No can do, it's time for a do over" Blaine pulls the hoodie off my head and pauses my music.

"I don't need a do over" I huff.

"Santana you're wearing evergreen sweats, which we both know isn't you're color, you've hit rock bottom!" Kurt exclaims.

"So what if I have! I like rock bottom a lot more than fake laughs and smiles" I look at both of them.

"We understand, but that's not the kind of person you are! If you hit rock bottom the rest of us would be doomed" Blaine shakes his head.

"We're treating you to a makeover after school no if's, and's, or but's about it" Kurt gives me a serious look.

"Can't say it'll work" I mutter.

"Don't go doubting my skills Mrs. Grouch, meet us by my car after practice" he gives me a smile before sitting back down. 

I sigh quietly to myself.

The last thing I want to do is walk around the mall for hours buying things. Surprising coming from me, because I always love some good retail therapy, but today I'm just not in the mood.  

After glee practice I went to my last two classes and skipped cheer practice. Brittany's there and I have to see her all day everyday, plus I'm just not in the mood to cheer.

I walked to Kurt's car he was leaning on it while Blaine sat inside with the door open. They smiled at me, then both gave me a hug.

"Glad you could make it" Kurt chirps.

"Yeah yeah" I wave him off.

"Plan Sassy Snixx make over is a go" Blaine smiles.

"Sassy Snixx?" I question.

"A little twist to your alter ego" he looks back at me, then I look out the window.

"Listen San we are really just trying to help you and figured that you'd really like this. Also we wanted you to just have fun" Kurt looks at me through the mirror.

"I know I appreciate you guys trying. It's more than most people have" I briefly smile at them.

"You know everyone wants to help, but they don't know you as well as we know you" Blaine tells me.

"That's because everyone else can't handle my attitude. I don't know how you guys put up with me at all" I laugh slightly.

"We don't put up with you, you're our friend and we love you" Kurt blows me a kiss. I smile shaking my head and looking back out the window while he drives to the mall. When we get there he parks and we immediately head inside it wasn't packed like it usually is on Friday's.

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