Till My Last Breath

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TW⚠️‼️: -Mention of suicide if you don't like stuff like this skip the chapter-

Song- Nobody knows The Lumineers

Santana doesn't have the want to live anymore so she ends it all in glee club.

I've been putting up a front, I'm not happy, my smiles fake, and my laughs forced.

I don't have Brittany I lost her to Sam.

My family is a mess, but let's be honest when is it not?

My only happiness comes from glee club.

When I'm singing and dancing in that room all my worries and troubles go away, but once I exit they all come back. It's gotten to be too much, I can't handle it anymore. It's a never ending battle that I choose to loose.

This is the only way the battle will end, if I end it.

It's the best option anyway.

I've been considering ending it for a while, I've always told myself I could stick it out for my friends and family, but I think about it. My family barely even acknowledges me and my friends well they could live on. They all have a brighter future than me anyway.

The longer I live the more I dragged down into the darkness.

I'm almost there and it's suffocating.

It's like a never ending pit of water, I've been dragged to the depths, struggling to stay above the surface, it's a fight, a fight I give up on. I've lost the strength, the fire, the burn I once had. Now that it's gone I have no shield of protection and I'm a target.

Wounded and tattered, treated like a rag doll.

My scars are as clear as day, my pain is evident, and no one can tell, or maybe they can and they think it's just a faze.

Either way I'm done.

Done with it all, I've made my decision, and it's too late to go back.

I make sure my note is visible in my back pack, explaining everything to whoever finds it.

How will I end it all?

A bottle of pills, one of the many my father keeps in his study. He usually locks it, but the one time I try and enter it was unlocked.

That was a clear sign solidifying my cause.

I've decided today was the day, after we won regionals everyone is happy, and I wanted to perform one more time before I go.

Now it's time.

I head to the bathroom and take the whole bottle, then I stare in the mirror.

Who is this girl?

I have no idea who she is, she isn't the girl I once was, or will be again. That girl is a distant memory and one that's long forgotten.

I wait five minutes, before heading to the choir room letting everything settle. I walk to the choir room and when I enter it's filled with smiles and laughs of my friends. I walk to my seat a smile plastered on my face.

I'm going to miss this, I'm going to miss them, even Berry, but that wasn't enough to stop me. I've made my choice and there's absolutely no going back now.

Everyone takes their seats.

Looking to my left I see Brittany and Sam, she's happy and that's all that matters to me her, happiness.

Even if she didn't find it with me.

To my right Finn and Rachel, I've always admired their relationship, they've stuck together through the ups and downs.

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