You're all I need

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Heyyy loves I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while my life is kind of changing right now and I'm adjusting.

Santana thinks she isn't enough for Brittany and wants to break up.

I've been thinking about this long and hard.

I'm breaking up with Brittany.

I don't want to do it but I have to for Brittany's sake.

I can't give her what a guy can and she doesn't seem as happy as she was with Sam. Maybe that's who she needs, Sam.

He makes her happy and they are practically the same, while I'm the complete opposite. A bitchy mean girl who only cares for herself and her image, I'm selfish, rude, and miserable to be around.

Sam, he's sweet a, bit of an airhead, but he's caring, and funny.

He can give her the love she deserves.

I have to tell her now or I'll chicken out and she'll be miserable with me, I just want her to be happy.

That's all I ever want.

I'm nervous and I know she'll be hurt, but in the end he can help her. Help mend her heart and they'll be happy together... I know it, I just do.

I see her at her locker putting her books away and she kisses the picture of us in her locker.

That makes what I'm about to do ten times harder.

"Hey Britt" I smile weakly.

"Hi San" she give me a hug and I squeeze her back.

"So we have to talk" I look down.

"About what?" she asks.

"Um us" I look back up.

"Okay.." she says skeptically.

"Look Britt I love you so much, you know that right?" I ask.

"Yes of course" she smiles.

"So when you love someone you'll do anything to make sure they're happy and get the best they can" I sigh.

"San I'm not following" she looks at me confused.

"What I'm saying is, I think we should break up" I close my eyes.

"What?! No, why?!?" She freaks.

"Brittany I know you'll be happier with someone else. Someone who's kind, caring, selfless, endearing, and thoughtful. Someone who isn't me" I can feel the tears run down my cheeks.

"But I don't want anyone else! I want you!" she cries.

"Britt you may want to be with me now, but later you'll get tired of my ways. You'll be miserable with me. You know that you're better off with someone else" I sigh.

"No I'm not! I'll never be happy without you!" she grabs my hand.

"Yes you will. I promise you will. You'll see and one day you'll thank me for this" I say, then I walk away.

This is probably the hardest thing I've ever done.

I've lost the love of my life, because I'm heartless and can't make her happy. My Abuela was right, I only care about myself I'm selfish. The one time I'm genuinely happy I ruin it. I'm destructive, I'm a ticking time bomb just seconds away from exploding.

When I get home I run to my room and slam the door shut. My parents are at work, so I have the house to myself for hours.

The only thing I want to do right now is cry.

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