Moving Back

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The next morning Drista woke up a bit later than usual. She reached to check her phone, then realised she didn't have it. She just laid awake in silence, wishing for her mom to be a bit more forgiving today.

She heard the front door open and thought her mom might of left. Though she heard her mom greet someone instead. Clearly she wasn't gone. "Great, now she has a friend over... probably just to share my business." Drista thought as she laid with nothing to do.

After a few minutes she heard someone come up the steps, she assumed it was her mom. None of her friends usually came upstairs. She heard someone walk around outside her room before going back downstairs. Drista sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes.

Then she heard a familiar voice. He was on the steps, so she could actually hear him. "Mom, what do you expect me to say to her?"

Drista stood up fast and ran to the door, putting an ear against it.

"Mom...she's just a kid, she's probably scared of her own actions." She heard Dream say as he walked upstairs again. He knocked on the door, making her jump.

She slowly opened the door, pretending she wasn't trying to listen to him. When she saw his face, she knew that he knew something was up.

"Hey Drista, can I come in?" He asked.

Drista nodded and let him in, then she sat on her bed. "What are you doing here?" She yawned and stretched.

Dream sat on her bed and crossed his arms. "Mom called me this morning...told me some things I'm not happy to hear."

Drista pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm sure you don't...neither do I." He put an arm on her back. "You've been smoking?"

Drista nodded honestly, there was no way she could get away with lying. The cigarette box was back on her nightstand.

Dream's expression shifted just by hearing her admit it. "Oh my god...Drista, I thought you didn't like the idea of that? What changed?"

"I dunno, just changed my opinion." She mumbled.

"Who's giving them to you?"

"Someone from school..."

Dream noticed the pack on the nightstand and picked it up. "Mom didn't take them?"

"Nope...said she doesn't give a damn." Drista looked at him.

"Jesus Christ..." Dream put them in his pocket. "We're quitting this today, right?" Dream gave her an opportunity to agree.

"I...don't really have a choice."

"That's right, you're quitting today." Dream rubbed her back. "I want you to be around for as long as possible. I don't want to lose you to lung cancer before I die of old age." Dream told her.

She rolled her eyes and moved away from him, so he stepped rubbing her back. "I only smoke one a night. Usually before bed...or in the middle of the night."

"That doesn't matter, you're still damaging your lungs." Dream tried to tell her gently. "Instead of having a cigarette, find something else to do around that time. Maybe go swing on the swing instead of smoking."

"I usually smoke on the swing though." Drista said.

"Oh?" Dream sighed. "It's okay, we'll think of something else."

"Okay..." Drista was open to the idea of quitting. She hated the habit herself.

"Now...please tell me mom is just being crazy paranoid." Dream reached into his pocket.

Major Inconvenience (Drista Content) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now