I Promise

568 33 14

TW// Mentions of Su!cide

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't of invited her in!" Drista apologized in panic. Natalie had left in a hurry when the guys came back.

The boys weren't even mad, but she kept freaking out and apologizing. For some reason this little thing she did felt so wrong. The boys had worse things to worry about though.

"Calm down, we aren't mad at you." Karl calmed her down and gave her a hug. "We need to go to the hospital. It's nothing life threatening, but it's serious."

Drista thought it was weird that the boys would return early without cause. She was right it seemed. "What...what happened?" Sapnap and Karl both looked fine.

"Dream's in the hospital. Get ready, we need to be quick." Sapnap told her.

Drista quickly got a jacket and put it on as fast as possible. "What happened?" Her mind filled with all the worst case scenarios.

"George decided to visit him since he's going through so much. Apparently when George arrived Dream was unconscious in his bed." Sapnap gave her the details while they rushed down to the car.

"George doesn't know why he was unconscious?" Drista asked while getting in the car. She might of been young but she had a couple ideas. "Like...was there alcohol around, pills maybe?"

Sapnap got in and put on his seatbelt. He wasn't planning on giving Drista the depressing parts, but she seemed to already suspect it. "George doesn't know much Drista. All he knows is Dream was unresponsive and there was champagne on the kitchen table...there was pain relievers on his nightstand but that's typical for Dream. I don't know if he mixed the drugs and alcohol together or not."

Drista looked out the window and watched the trees go by as they went to the hospital. "Dream is always hurting his back and taking pain medication. Maybe he accidentally took them after drinking alcohol."

Karl decided to sugarcoat the situation for her. "It was definitely an accident. Don't worry, he's going to be alright."

Drista started crying because she didn't believe Karl or herself. "It's my fault, I abandoned him."

Karl's eyes widened. That was the opposite response he wanted. He was thankful he chose to sit in the back with her. He was able to rub her shoulder. "Don't cry! It's absolutely not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."

Drista kept sobbing, thinking she was going to be the reason her brother died. "I-I shouldn't of left. He needed someone to be there-"

Karl took off his seatbelt illegally just so he could get close enough to hug her. Once he was in the middle, he did put the other seatbelt on though. "Don't cry, you're such a sweetheart. You didn't do anything to cause this." Karl tried to soothe her. He was going to cry if she kept doing it.

"If I was there, he...he wouldn't of tried to kill himself. Do you think I'm stupid?" Drista asked between sniffling. "I know what he was trying to do..."

Karl lost it and started crying too. Leaving Sapnap the only one holding it together.

"Guys...it'll be okay. Just take a deep breath. Regardless of what Dream was trying to do, he's okay. He's in the hospital, and he's going to recover from this." He had no choice but to remain composed for the sake of Drista and Karl.


When they got to the hospital, Sapnap requested to see Dream. They were sent to a waiting room for 2 hours before they were finally seen by a nurse.

"Okay so one at a time you can go see him. He's very sensitive to everything right now. Keep your conversations light and don't talk about anything stressful. Don't get upset with him, just be supportive." The nurse instructed them, then looked at Drista. "Are you his sister, honey?"

Major Inconvenience (Drista Content) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now