Dress Shopping

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Teagan came in the room and stood in the doorway. She watched Tubbo comfort their sister. "Do you think she'll be okay? Do you think this will be another hospital visit?" She asked.

Tubbo shook his head. "She can't just go to the hospital every time she has a panic attack. Soon they'll refer her to a psych ward. You know mom and dad already like that idea...she's grieving, she's struggling with trauma...a psych ward will just shut her away from everyone, and treat her like she's insane." Tubbo ranted.

Teagan nodded understandingly. "Damn, you're right...I've heard horror stories of psychiatric hospitals.  Definitely not a place I'm trusting with my baby sister."

Lani sniffled and moved to the edge of the bed. "Oi, I'm not a baby anymore..." She took a deep breath.

"Sorry?" Teagan apologized and carefully dried Lani's face. "Do you want a hug?"

"No, not particularly..." She shakily stood up.

"Are you going to be alright now?" Tubbo noticed how shaky she was. "be careful."

"I'm alright..." Lani rubbed her face.

"Can you tell us what triggered it this time? So maybe we can help prevent future episodes." Teagan wanted to help Lani overcome this.

"Uh..." Lani tensed up. "I was looking at old text messages from Sky..."

Tubbo frowned. "I'm so sorry, I know how much you miss them. I can't even imagine going through that...you're so young, you shouldn't know what it's like to lose a lover like that."

"I think you're too young for relationships like that but...I know it must hurt." Teagan sighed. "They'll always be in your heart."

Lani rolled her eyes. "I want them in my life, not my heart."


Drista sat comfortably on Dream's bed while he paced the room.

"I just wanted to warn you...there's a lot of rumors going around about me. I don't want you to get upset by them." Dream started the conversation.

"I know, you already mentioned it." Drista nodded.

"Yeah...but just in case you come across something else online or someone tells you something..." Dream paused for a moment. "I don't want you to think I'm an abuser."

"I know you're not...but are you sure there wasn't lack of communication?" Drista asked.

"What...what do you mean?" Dream looked at her.

"Like...maybe she didn't actually consent? I don't know...I'm not saying you forced her but...maybe you did something she didn't like?" Drista questioned Dream's innocence. Even though she felt like he would never do those unthinkable things.

"No...she definitely seemed okay with it. I made sure she was okay...Do you actually think I've been abusing her? I spent one night with her!" Dream felt offended.

"I know you're not an abuser! I just...I don't know, I've just been questioning a lot lately." Drista told him honestly.

"Yeah, well start questioning yourself. Not me." Dream was hurt that Drista would imply he might of done something wrong.

"I have been questioning myself..." She mumbled quietly.

"Good for you...just, if you hear anything bad about me. It's not real." Dream walked away.

"Fair enough..." Drista shrugged.


A week had went by quickly, and Drista still wasn't attending school.

Major Inconvenience (Drista Content) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now