The Desk Girl

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Drista walked into the hotel and stopped at the front desk to talk to the receptionist. She was Drista's age, forced to help out her family business. Apparently her father that usually runs the reception desk was in the hospital. Drista was pretty familiar with her by now, after two weeks of living at the hotel.

"Hey Drista, how was school?" The teenager smiled, tossing her a candy from her desk.

Drista caught the candy and pocketed it. She didn't like them, but Sapnap did. He wondered why she was always getting candies from the front desk, but never complained.

"Shitty, how has work been?" Drista asked.

"Shitty. Honestly I'd do anything to go to school instead." The receptionist laughed.

"Any weirdos come in yet today?" Drista wondered.

"Oh yeah! I was going to warn you. This really sketchy couple checked in for a week. They will be on your floor, so watch out for that. They had major serial killer vibes." She responded.

"Just perfect, just what I needed." Drista rolled her eyes. "I'll see you later Natalie, don't get murdered." Drista warned her before going up to her room. She wasn't shocked to see Karl was visiting again. He seemed to be taking a lot of time off work to hang out with Sapnap. She just tried to brush it off as him being concerned and supportive. Surely Karl just wanted to comfort Sapnap with everything that happened.

"Hey, our queen is back." Karl nudged Sapnap.

"Welcome home smelly, how was school?" Sapnap didn't look up from the pack of Pokémon cards he was opening.

"Same old bullshit, but Ben and the bitches haven't been around." Drista was beyond thankful for that.

"Ben and the bitches?" Karl giggled.

"Yeah, they are the biggest assholes around." Drista pulled her sleeves down over her arms. Making sure her tattoo was still hidden. Karl didn't need to see it.

Drista took the candy out of her pocket, and threw it at Sapnap. Hitting him satisfyingly in the face.

Sapnap finally looked up. "Watch it!"

"Don't be a pussy." Drista sat in the chair.

Sapnap opened the candy and popped it in his mouth. "You've been talking to the desk girl again?"

"Yeah, seems rude not to." Drista shrugged.

"Was that the desk girl with the dreamy face? I believe her eyes are breathtaking? Your words, not mine." Karl tilted his head teasingly.

"I literally didn't say that." Drista shook her head.

"Oh right, I believe you said 'Her eyes are fucking magical.' That's a quote." Karl winked at her, he was just playing around.

Drista showed Karl her middle finger before checking her phone. "I only said that because her eyes are this weird dark green color. I've never seen anything like it."

"What are you doing locking eyes with the desk girl?" Karl wouldn't let it go.

"She has nice eyes!" Drista defended.

"Hmm...was her hair soft today?" Sapnap joined in on the teasing.

"I don't know?" Drista huffed.

"Well when you first met her you said the desk girl had soft beautiful hair." Sapnap reminded her, it wasn't a lie.

"Yeah okay, but I only knew that because she asked me to help her get something out of it." Drista didn't see what the boys were seeing.

"Okay...what's her name?" Sapnap grinned.

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