"i've never liked a girl before"

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tonight i listened to lovely in someone else's car

and i remembered the night we met

lilac hair with a flannel and cargo shorts

"i like your shoes" were the first words i spoke

to be fifteen and fall in love

i wish things stayed that simple for long

inching my leg towards yours in the movie theater

sneaking stares in between shark bites on the screen

desperate to feel your hand against mine

the first time we hugged

sitting at a table on the right of chickfila

you drove so far to sit across from me in your floral top

we quoted the same dumb youtuber at the same time

fireworks in my snapback, grazing my hand across yours

like a secret we kept hushed

isn't it funny how quickly things fall apart?

i remember every fucking detail

i wish i could give myself amnesia

so i can finally forget to love you

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