4. Found you

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After escaping Yuta by the skin of his teeth, he made his way to his friend Jungwoo's house seeing as it was the closest to where he was right now. He bangs on the door and the door is soon opened.

"Aiyaiyai~ who's banging on my door like that?!" He asks but freezes when he sees Mark's tired out face. He ushers him in and sits him down.

"Hey Mark, what happened?" He asks and Mark just waves him off, catching his breath. "You look like you've been in quite a fight... I'm your friend, please tell me" He says softly and Mark sighs. "I- never mind, it's alright, I promise," He says becoming frustrated with himself. Why wouldn't he let himself say it? Why would nothing come out when he tried speaking about it? Was he scared of someone tattling? Surely not, Jungwoo doesn't know Yuta, right? "I see, um... want something to eat or drink?" He asks and Mark shakes his head. "I'm fine, I just need to rest for a bit, I've had quite a day" He chuckles. "Wanna talk about it? it's best to get it off your chest than to keep it bottled" He says and Mark shakes his head. "Nah, it's not that bad, just... yeah, quite a day" Mark sighs, relaxing into the chair. A few moments passed in tense silence and Jungwoo nods. "Uh... watermelon?" Jungwoo asks and Mark's eyes sparkle. "Yes please," He smiles and Jungwoo giggles. "You're so cute sometimes Mark, oh-"

"Don't fucking say that" Mark growls, staring at Jungwoo with eyes so full of hatred, Jungwoo could've fainted from fear. "I apologise, I didn't mean to offend you," He says in a shaky voice before scuttering off and retrieving the watermelon from his fridge, bringing it in along with a bowl and a knife. He places it in front of Mark and Mark gulps looking at the knife. He picks up the knife with a shaky hand and Jungwoo notices his shakiness.

"Are you sure you're okay Mark? I'm beginning to worry" He says and Mark cuts the watermelon, placing the slices in his bowl. "I'm fine, no need to worry," He says and Jungwoo shakes his head, taking the bowl of watermelon away from Mark. "No, if you don't tell me what's up with you then you're not getting to eat any more watermelon," He says and Mark just stares up at him.

"Fine," He says, sitting back and crossing his legs. "I'm just exhausted from my day, I've been out all day and I haven't done that in a while so I'm exhausted," He lies and Jungwoo shakes his head. "Liar, you went out with Johnny on Thursday which was two days ago," He says and Mark groans. "Ugh, just give up man, I'm tired" He raises his voice and Jungwoo shakes his head. "Mark, I care about you. You're one of my closest friends, I don't want you to be in pain or whatever you're going through right now so please just tell me and maybe I can help you" He says and Mark rolls his eyes. "Have you considered that perhaps... I just don't want to tell you?" He asks looking up at Jungwoo who freezes. "Oh... sorry... I didn't mean to sound so insensitive, I just really care about you" He says and Mark nods.

"Well... I can tell you one part but don't question me about it because I don't know much about it," He says and Jungwoo places the bowl of watermelon back in front of Mark, sitting down to listen. "I'm listening," He says and Mark sighs.

"Jaehyun's dead"

"Jaehyun's... dead?" He mutters with widened eyes. Jungwoo couldn't believe his ears, Jaehyun was dead. Jaehyun... was... dead. One of his closest friends... gone like that. Jungwoo swallows the lump in his throat and looks at Mark who seemed unbothered. "Are you joking?" He asks and Mark shakes his head. "No, I went to see him but when I got into his apartment, he was sat staring at the TV. After a few times of trying to get his attention, I decided to check his pulse and he was dead, he was kinda cold as well, meaning it hadn't been that long since he'd been killed" Mark says, laying back in the chair and Jungwoo snickers...

"Why are you so calm about this?" He asks and Mark shrugs. "Dunno, it concerned me too. I've probably fallen into some sort of depression not gonna lie" He says and Jungwoo narrows his gaze.

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