49.When You Call Them By Their First Name☁️

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Requested by:@xx_losersclub67_xx

|Since Y/N already calls Monoma by his first name, his will just be him reacting to y/n giving him a nickname.|

. Izuku Midoriya🥦

.Since the last time that you've ever used Izuku's first name was when he was cheating, you could imagine the horror you caused the poor guy when you used it again, however this time, it was only jokingly.

.|"Y/n ,I was wondering if you've seen my limit edition Allmight pen, I think I might have left it here when I'd had slept over." Izuku said, standing at the doorway of your room, peeping around you. {"No, I haven't seen your Allmight pen Izuku, but if I happen to find it, I'll let you know."| You said, standing on the other side of doorway while looking around.

.However, that timid smile on his face, quickly turned into a look of complete terror upon hearing you utter out his first name. |"I-I promise that I haven't been cheating on you! I'm really sorry for the past but I promise that I've really changed!" Izuku cried out in a panic.

.{"What's gotten into Cinnabon, I just called you "Izuku" it's not like I'm breaking up with you again."} you said, laughing at the pure look of horror on his face. |"Y-yeah you're right"| Izuku stuttered while nervously laughing.

.Katsuki Bakugo 💥

.The times when you've ever called Bakugo by his first name is usually only when you're very upset with him. So for obvious reasons, he was pretty upset when you called him by his first name as a joke.

.|"Hey Dumbass, wanna grab some ramen with me at this new place that opened up?"| Katsuki asked, walking into your dorm without permission. {"Yeah Katsuki, that sound great, just let me get ready."} you said giving him a soft smile as you got of of bed.

.Quickly noticing that you just called him by his real name, Katsuki started to panic. |"W-what did I do, uh do you not want ramen or something...did I wake you up, why did you call me "Katsuki"?."| Bakugo asked, blurting out a ton of questions as you then started laughing to yourself.

.{"Kat calm down, I was only joking and I would love nothing more than to get ramen with you."} You said in a lovingly tone as you helped yourself into your Jeans. |"Shit, you better...and don't call me that ever again."| Katsuki grumbled, rolling his eyes before storming out of your room.

.Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️

.To be honest, neither you or Shoto can't remember the last time that you've actually called him by his first name. So out of curiosity, you decided to do just to see how he'd react.

.|"Y/n could we just take a nap, I really don't feel like going out today."| Todorki yawned, kissing your stomach before laying his head down. {"Of course Shoto, I'm kinda tired myself." You said, smiling to yourself as you played with his hair.

.While of course noticing that you did use his actual name, Shoto really didn't pay much attention to it. |"hmm Shoto, even my actual name sounds beautiful coming from your mouth."| Shoto whispered, causing you to blush.

.Eijirou Kirishima🏔

.Every now and then, you tend to call Eijirou by his first name so, you weren't expecting such a dramatic reaction when you decided to do it.

.{"Eijirou, do you think we could like stop here for today, I'm kinda tried?"}you groaned, laying back on the bench while looking up at him.

.Upon hearing you call him by his name, Ejirou's face frowned up as he looked down at you. |"When did we started using real names y/n? I mean we can be done for the day, but "Ejirou" won't be taking a shower with you."| Eijrou grumbled looking at you with a sour expression.

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