17.When you argue💔

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Requested by:@SsComitDancersS ⭐️

.Izuku Midoriya🥦

.Even though the two of you had never got into an argument, this particular night you felt as though you really needed to tell him about how you feel about him hanging out with Ochako more than he does with you.

.Even though he told you that it wasn't a big deal, but since you did, you kept pressing the fact that you would at least like for him to spend more time with him.

.But instead of listening to what you had to say, Izuku told you to shut up before covering his mouth and endlessly apologizing. But you didn't want to hear it so you stormed out of his dorm room. {"How about you date Ochako instead of me, maybe she'll be more fun than me!"}
.Katsuki Bakugo 💥

.Even though the two of you argue all the time, this one was more serious, since it was about Katsuki calling his mom an "Old Hag".

.Even though Katsuki told you to mind your own business, you decided to make it your business by exampling to him why he shouldn't call his mother names, which caused Katsuki to snap. | "So you think that if we were to get married that I would call you an Old Hag, wow maybe I will, since your starting to act like one.

.Hearing that made you extremely angry. {"Well that's if I say yes, and better yet get out of my room."}

.Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️

.So even though the two of you like never fight, Shoto was having a pretty rough day after seeing his dad at the hospital that his mom was in, so he saw you, he wasn't in a mood to actually talk.

.Noticing how quiet he was, you asked him what was wrong, but instead of sharing what happened he snapped. | "Just get the hell out please, I'm not in the mood to entertain you, okay!"|

.Upon hearing him say that, you kinda got a little snippy. {"Okay then, but don't come to me yapping about your problems with your dad since I know that you being all pissy has to do something with him."}
.Eijirou Kirishima🏔

.The night that you two had your first argument was because Eijirou noticed that you had been working past your normal limit, so he decided to tell you that you needed to take sometime to rest, but instead of taking a break, you just kept amping up your workout.

.And upon seeing that, Eijirou stopped you and since your blood was already boiling, you involuntarily pushed him.| "You really need to calm down."| {"You think I'm weak...please just leave me alone!"}
.Denki Kaminari⚡️

This probably had to be your second fight that day about the same guy that flirts with you while your at your locker.

.And you were really getting tired of Denki asking you who the guy was and for heaven's sake, you didn't know either. |What do you want Denki...will it make you feel better that if I told you that I was cheating, even though I'm not, can you just get it through your thick skull that I actually love you.

.After that Denki got a worked up and walked away.
.Hanta Sero😬

.Since Hanta knows that you sometimes eat when your nervous, especially with you having a huge test, he decided to hide all the junk food that you stashed in your dorm.

.Noticing that your chips were gone, you asked Hanta where they were and after he explained what he did with them your blood started to boil a little. {"you call me fat or something?"}

.Upon hearing you say that, he denied what you just asked, but you didn't want to hear it. {"Just leave me alone, since I'm such a pig."}
.Hitoshi Shinso😪

.Even though you and Hitoshi never argue, this particular night while you were telling Hitoshi about the rough that you had, Hitoshi was hardly listening since he was too busy playing with the cats.

.Noticing that he was hardly listening to what you said, got you pretty annoyed, so you decided to confront him about it and after he apologized, so you decided to continue taking but he still wasn't paying attention.

.And since you were a bit annoyed, you started to get a bit whiny. {"Shinso, can you at least pay attention to what I'm telling you!"} | "Now I'm really not going to listen since your now being a brat.| {"That's it, I'm going to bed and you can sleep on the couch with the cats!"}
.Neito Monoma🐱

.Even though Neito is normally mean to class 1A, this day, it kinda boiled you, so you decided to tell him how you felt, but instead of listening, he just brushed you off.

.Which kinda got you a little worked up. {"You know what Neito, How about you get your dumb clothes from out of my dorm and try sleeping at you own for once since I'm not worth your time."}
.Yuga Aoyama✨

.Since Yuga doesn't really act all lovely towards you, you decided to ask him why, but instead of actually listening he decided to make snippy comment instead. | "How about you find someone who will."| {"Oh, I just might, since all you do is treat me like a gold digger, you know Yuga, Gucci, diamonds, and Supreme isn't a substitute for actual love.
.Tamaki Amajiki🐙

.Normally Tamaki is usually very confident around you, but after inviting you to train with him and the rest of the big three, he felt as though he wasn't enough after seeing you feel Mirio's muscles with Nejire.

.Since you noticed him not being his usual self, you decided to ask him what was wrong. | "y/n you probably are only dating me so you can get to Mirio."| {"Tama that's not true, I love you."} | "But you seem to be loving more on Mirio."|

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